Chapter 2~Thoughts Of You

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Words like violence,

Break the silence.

Come crashing in, into my little world.

Painful to me,

Pierce right through me.

Won't you understand,

Oh my little girl. 

All I ever wanted, all I ever needed is here,

In my arms.

Words are very, unnecessary.

They can only do harm <3

(Enjoy The Silence-Depeche Mode) 


As Cerulya explained my first task to me, I couldn't concentrate. All I thought about was him: that smile, those friendly eyes, that perfect face... Only certain words of her speech reached my ears.

"Travel....War.....Olair....Search...." It honestly made no sense, but I could care less. The only time that I actually cared though, was when I found myself standing alone in some new, odd world. Even after looking around I found nothing. The ground, or rather, the trenches, were muddy and slightly grassy, and the sky was an odd pinkish-yellow colour. Smoke emitted off of everything. What in the world could this be? 

That's when I came across the bodies. Thousands of them.

The mud beneath my feet became even grosser and a strong, stomach-wrenching smell came from the ground. There was a metallic taste at the back of my tongue. It couldn't be anything else. Blood. Everywhere. Upon looking at the ground, I began to notice bodies, or rather corpses, beneath the mud. The half-decayed terror-stricken expressions of men, feeling the pain and sensation of death. Taking my eyes off the ground, I saw a figure, all in black, standing with their back to me ahead of me. With one glance of him, flashes of terrorizing memories that I had never experienced came alive and danced in my mind, almost causing me to stop breathing.

The gunshots, men crying out and whimpering for help that everyone denied them. A young boy, hardly 16, twitching on the ground with a tear-stained face and eyes that expressed the whole scene: The horror, the unwanted violence, the pain of all the losses, the shame in killing others, the terror, the feeling of losing everything... everyone...

I snapped back to reality to find that I was face to face with possibly the most horrifying man I've ever seen. Eyes twisted back to show only white with red veins, mouth twisted into an unnatural, malicious grimace, a pointed nose, tears and stitches all down his face: Exposing flesh and muscle. I almost gagged. Why so much violence? How does this prove love? I tried to move but, to my horror, found that he was holding me up by my hair. Desperate now, I clawed at his face, causing several red scratches to appear on his cheeks and forehead. He gasped and threw me back, all the while keeping that horrible grimace. His neck turned a full 180 then twisted back. Slowly, he raised his shaking arm, then lowered it. I waited for any sort of magic to hit me, but when it didn't, I panicked. Taking a step back, I felt my ankles and lower legs being gripped by bloody, cold hands. The corpse's of this old-battlefield were back, and they were more alive than ever. I managed to kick my ankles free and dodge the sudden lunges made by the undead corpses. I was honestly mortified: They moved as if some sort of cryptic, twisted puppeteer was pulling on their arms and legs. As terrifying as they were, their attacks were weack and sloppy, and I easily fought off most of the horde. It was only when more and more undead corpses rose from deeper in the ground that I panicked. How many were there really? In the time it took me to worry, colder, more malevolent hands gripped my ankles. I tried to reach down to knock them off, but soon found my arms held behind my back by another corpse. I thrashed, moving my head, my hips, anything I could to get free! But all I got was a male hand holding my head in place as that horrid man who called on these things- Let's call him the puppeteer- advanced towards my shaking figure. I saw a creepy looking black dagger in his left hand which he raised as he got close, his head tilting from side to side unnaturally. I thrashed even harder, knowing that I couldn't fail now: Not when I was only only on my second trial. I couldn't fail the goddess. I couldn't fall so easily. I couldn't fail Jerad. Not now. Not ever! No! No, no, no...

"NO!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, completely out of control. I opened my tightly squeezed eyes to seethe puppeteers ugly grimace, those evil white eyes, and the dagger aimed for her heart. She expected to feel it stab through her when she noticed something: He wasn't moving. The corpses weren't either. What the hell happened. She could have sworn that the puppeteer wanted her life... Why would he have frozen? A bright purple light flashed to her right, and a black light to her left. Looking left first, she saw the figure of Alias, but this time he wasn't just a black shadow. The spirit-hologram to her left was that of a 19 year old shirtless male with blue ripped jeans and black hair. His dark purple eyes shone, even if it was just a hologram. And his black wings outstretched for miles. He was damn well attractive, but I couldn't even think about going for him when I had Jerad!!

"I couldn't just let you die out here, could I? I am your Guardian Demon, after all." He almost purred out the last part. ...Gross. Wait what?! Guardian DEMON? Yeah. Right. He nodded to my right.

"Look who I brought, just for you!" He jeered. I turned to my right and gasped. My heart stopped all together.

"J-Jerad?!" I Screeched. In a time like this, it truly was amazing to see him. He nodded and smiled. God he looked amazing in purple light!

"Alias is going to help you out of this, Kat! Don't worry, you'll be okay. I promise you!" I smiled, a happy tear spilling from my right eye.

"Jerad, good luck to you on your mission. I wish only the best for my special boy." I purred. "I-I love you..." I stopped at what I had just said. I had never actually said that to him, we were too scared to ever say it, it might jinx our love. But here I was, saying it out loud, for Alias to hear. His eyes widended slightly.

"I love you too!!" He yelled, powerfully yet with affection. His image disappeared and I sighed, blushing horribly at his strong display of affection.

"So, you wanna get saved or... Should I just leave you like this?"  My head whirled to my left to see Alias, arms crossed, tapping his foot. I shot him a glare but giggled afterwards.

"Guess! Can't you just see that I would totally LOVE to die?!" I said sarcastically. He nodded and raised his arm to change time back playfully. I cried out for him to stop but he did anyways, and everything started up again. The cold hands: Everything. But in a swoop of black and blue, the corpses around me fell to the floor and I was free. Dodging the black blade that went for my heart, I rolled around to the back of my enemy and quickly grabbed a knife out of my strap, the stabbed it through the back of the puppeteer, where I thought his heart was. Unable to resist, I twisted the knife, causing the man to hiss, still keeping that horrid grimace. I slowly pulled my blood-stained knife out of the now gaping hole, and smiled as the man fell to my feet, dead along with all his friends, keeping that ugly expression. I admired my handiwork until I felt something press up against my back I gasped and tried to break free of this heat, but a toned arm snaked around my waist, holding me there firmly.

"We make a good team, you know..."Alias's husky voice purred in my ear, sending shivers down it. I continued to struggle against his grip, and, to my surprise, he just let go. Licking his lips, he smiled deviously.

"I wouldn't get too far, Warrior...." He grabbed my wrists and leaned in close to my face, a little too close, actually. "Where you're going, you're going to need me..."

At that, the world melted away, and Alias and I found ourselves in a palace almost the same as Cerulya's... But everything was darker and smelt of blood.The carpet was blood red, and the chandelier above us appeared to have droplets of blood as the crystal's. I turned towards the throne almost gasping at it. In the throne's design, the faces of many pained and dead soldier's were carved, perfectly out of silver. 

"You stand in the battle-field of Olair! Do you dare to test your love against my bloodshed?" A powerful, deep male voice boomed. In the seat of the throne, a large, muscular man with long deep red hair that floated everywhere, almost like Medusa's snake hair. His eyes were pure black but seemed to hold some sort of evil fire.

"I, Kat, Warrior of Love,-" "And Alias, Demon Angel!" Alias interrupted. "Challenge you to fight for my love for Jerad!" I yelled.

"Prepare to face the power of Olair: God of War! You shall regret your choice!" The voice teased.

"Never!" I screamed, as the world faded to black. 

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