Chapter 1~Where Our Journey Ends

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To me you'll be forever Sacred,                                                                                                                                       I'm dying, but I know our love will live.                                                                                                                             Your hand above, like a dove, over me.                                                                                                                                      Remember, to me you'll be forever Sacred!                                                                                                             (Sacred-Tokio Hotel)


What had seemed like an easy, boring, and endless route of pure blue and white seemed quite easy to my lover and I; not a single obstacle stood in our way. A while ago I had insisted that Jerad should let me down from his arms, and now I walked by his side, hand-in-hand. We were both confused, lost, and tired, but he seemed to try to lighten the mood with cute little jokes that made me giggle. It continued like this until something finally entered our vieiwing range. A single, leaf-less tree was in the distance. Excited at finally seeing something other than white ground, we ran to it. The tree looked old. It was twisted towards us and had a grey colour to it. Upon further examination I realized it gave off a teal, other-worldly glow. While I marveled at the gorgeous plant, Jerad did something much more productive. He had gone to the opposite side of the tree, and had found a wooden board attached to twine nailed into the tree. It was old and almost impossible to read, but I was able to figure it out once he showed it to me.

Forest Of Illusions~Proceed With Caution.

I looked ahead of us, and, if I squinted hard enough, I could see trees of different colours up ahead: Ranging from gray to teal all the way to navy. I looked back at Jerad and saw him furrow his brows and stare at  the wooden board. His eyes met mine, and his expression immediately relaxed. He looked up at the normally light blue sky, but noticed that it was now turning a deep shade of purple. 

"I think we should rest now. Unless you wanna enter a forest filled with illusions when it's pitch-black." I smiled at his comment and nodded. He sat down against the tree and motioned for me to sit beside him. Not physically, but with his eyes. I sat down slowly, feeling my sore legs tense. As soon as I made it to the ground, a warm arm went around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. We were now laying-down, facing each other, with our faces inches apart. 

"You know, I never did get that kiss..." He closed his eyes and leaned towards me, and I closed my eyes as well. Just as our lips were about to touch, that white light flashed in front of our faces, throwing me a few feet away from him. I tried to get back up, but something stopped me. It was like that for a while, Jerad staring at me and I staring at him, in complete silence. I looked at the beautiful purple sky for somet ime, and when I looked back, his eyes were shut and he was breathing heavy. I giggled softly, admiring his features for some time, until finally my eyelids closed as well.

When I awoke the next morning, I was ecstatic to know that I could move again. I got up and ran to my lover, who was just getting up himself. I wrapped my arms around his skinny body, listening to his heartbeat with my head on his chest. He rested his head on top of mine, and we stayed like that for a while, before moving our heads to look at the forest in front of us. As we got closer, so did the forest, until it was impossibly big. We knew that this would not be a simple place- The name gave that much away. Just as we were about to step in that same booming female voice from before came from the woods.

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