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"HEY!" we heard a voice call out. We turned around and saw Alia with my siblings? "YOU'RE THE GIRL WHO PICKS ON MY SISTER RIGHT?" Luna shouted. "THE BLACK EYE AND.." "THE LIP?!!" Lana and Lola said together. "Guys! It's okay!" I said, but Francisco stepped in front of me. "Alia, why do you mess with Lynn? I want answers and I want them now. If I have to see Lynn cry one more time because of you, I swear.." Francisco said in a stern voice.. I stared up and him and he turned his head to me and smiled. Alia was so upset, that she turned red. She walked up to me and said, "Lynn..."

SOWWY FOR SHORT CHAPTER!! I'm going outta town tomorrow with my cousin and sister. I'll start working on the next one now, but I can't guarantee I'll publish it tonight. BAII!!

I'll Be Okay..(Lynncisco Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now