The Stars

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I woke up the next day at 2 am. I was confused when I woke up. "What..happened?" I asked trying to remember why I'm up at two in the morning. Lucy was sleeping in her coffin. Apparently, I forgot to change to my pjs and take off my cleats, but I shrugged it off. I walked up to our window and stared outside. Thoughts flew throughout my mind of Francisco. I giggled softly and looked at the stars. I pictured the stars. L + F and again, giggling quietly. Then, I saw a the stars again. An A that was ten times the size as the L + F. I looked down and began to cry. I had to cry quietly or else my siblings would think I'm depressed. That's the last thing I want them to find out. I went back to sleep. Alia flew through my mind the most. It was Sunday tomorrow (technically today because it's 2 am) I know what I'm going to have to go through when I go back to school Monday.

I SO SOWWY FOR DA SHORT CHAPTERRRR... I slept for six hours and I can't think of anything.. BAII!!!!

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