Aftershock chapter 8

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Well the wait is over laugh out loud, I hope you enjoy the chapter.

They played all day unless they were hungry, so I feed them and then they went off and played again. Abrianna and I was getting really close; Lucas was outside playing with the

kids and watching them while we talked in the kitchen making snacks and a lot of sweets. I found out that her boyfriend and her have been together since she was in 8th grade and

he was in 9th grade. They are the perfect couple I think they have been with each other through thick and thin; I can only hope that Lucas and I are like that. She knows how I feel

about Lucas and how I had gotten raped; a tear escaped her eyes as well as mine but we quickly wiped them away as soon as they came, we then laughed about it. Soon it was

supper time and we all ate spaghetti and garlic bread; we all watched TV for an hour and then they went home to put Carter to bed. I went upstairs with Cass and made her bath

water; I asked her about her day and she wouldn’t stop smiling. “Well mommy, Carter and I were playing an he asked me to be his girlfriend. I told him yes and he kissed my hand, I

kissed his cheek. Then we ate lunch and we went outside and play, he then kissed me here” she says pointing at her lips. “well, baby that is great you have your first boyfriend

and you got your first kiss today. I am happy for you honey.” I reply smiling at her, “hey mommy have you kissed daddy yet?” she asked me, “Well, you want to know a secret?

But you can’t tell anyone?” I ask and she nods her head and pretends to zip her lips and throw away the key. “He was mommy’s first kiss when she was a little bit older then you

are right now” I tell her in a whisper. She gasps and I just laugh. Then she leans in my ear a little and whispers “mommy do you like daddy? I won’t tell him I promise” she leans away

from my ear and looks at me waiting for me to answer. “Yes I do” I replied. “do you love him” she asks “yes I do I have for a very long time” I reply yet again. “are you daddys

girlfriend?” she asks this time. “No honey I am not” I say and you have no idea how much I wish I was. “Why not mommy?” “ I don’t know sweetie” by then she is done with her bath

and she gets dressed and lays down. Soon she is asleep and I go take a shower and then I go to sleep. A week or two go by quickly and everything has been going great. Today

Abrianna had asked me if her and Carter could stay over because Branson had to go out of town for a week for a business trip and he had to go see his mom. I of course say yes and I

show her to one of the guest rooms and Carter insisted that he share a room with Cassandra but we told him that he was still gonna see Cassandra but he had to stay in the

room with his mom. He was sad that he couldn’t stay in her room but he soon realized he would still be in the same house as her and he can talk to her all he wants. I told Abrianna

what Cassandra said a few days ago and she was laughing and smiling. She asked Carter about it and he told her what all happened. I just thought it was so cute, she and I we

watched TV with the kids while Lucas went and bought more food that we had put on a list. I also told her about Cass asking me about Lucas and she seemed surprised that she

would even ask that. We were sitting on the couch while talking, and the kids were on the floor holding hands and watching TV. “I don’t see why you guys aren’t dating yet, I mean

you guys are so cute together and the way he looks at you, don’t even get me started on that.” Abrianna said after a while. “What way does he look at me; I didn’t know there was

a way to look at someone. And besides why would he want to date me? I’m not that special.” I ask “are you that oblivious to it? He looks at you like you are the only girl in the

world. He looks at you how my grandpa looked at my grandma. They died in each other’s arms; they were married for 50 years. They were true soul mates; and honey you are

gorgeous, why wouldn’t he want to date you. Heck if I was a guy I would date you and never let you go. You are so special to him that he would do anything for you. He is in love

with you darling.” She replied, is she serious? I mean could he really be in love with me?  Does he really look at me like that? “Is there a certain way I look at him?” I asked “You

look at him with a loving look, you look at him like you want him to help you, like you want him to comfort you. I am pretty sure that you are in love with him. And you have

been for a long time.”  She replied after a while. We soon stopped talking about it, mostly because Lucas opens the front door and carries in groceries. We ask him if he needs help

but, he says no; so we continue to watch TV. After all of us ate and watched a little more TV; Abrianna said she would take care of the kids; so Lucas and I can talk and watch TV.

We sat on the couch and he pulled me in his arms; he rested his cheek on my head. After a little while Lucas got up and walked over to the radio, he turned it on and turned it to a

song that about made me cry. I have loved this some for as long as I can remember, I have always thought when I get married this is the song that I was have my first dance with my

husband the song s 'when you say nothing at all' by Allison Krauss. Lucas came up to me "my lady would you like to dance” I said yes, him and I haven’t danced in for so long! It

feels nice the way he holds me, I wrap my hands around his waist and lay my head on his chest. He wraps his hands around my torso; we just sway back and forth. He starts singing

the song lowly but I can still hear him, I look up at him and smile. He looks down at me; we stare in each other’s eyes. Slowly he begins to bring his head down toward mine; I can feel

his cold breath on my face now. My heart is starting to beat faster, he slowly kisses my forehead then he kisses my cheek. He then ever so lightly kissed my lips, he was about to

pull away but I put my hands on the back of his head and kept kissing him. I normally wouldn’t do that, but I couldn’t help it the way he made me feel was incredible. As I kissed

him I felt electricity run all down my body, my fingers and toes tingled. When I felt that I needed to breath I pulled away but our foreheads were still touching. " I have been

wanting to do that for so long, I love you" Lucas whispers " I love you too" I whisper back " No! I mean I really love you I have wanted to be with you for so long. I knew I was in love

with you when you were in the hospital with Cassandra. I saw the way you looked at her, with so much love in your eyes. That’s when I knew I was deeply and truly in love with

you."  He stops talking and then he kissed me again. “And I’m saying that I am in love with you too I have been for a while now.” I say after he stopped kissing me. “You have no idea

how long I have been waiting for you to say that.” He said. Soon his lips met mine again, I heard a clicking sound we pull apart and look toward the sound and there was Abrianna

with a camera smiling. Then I heard her say, “Finally you guys! You don’t know how long I have been waiting for this moment and I am so happy!” Lucas and I look at each other and

smile. “So what does this mean? Are we a couple or what?” I ask “well, I know for sure best friends don’t just kiss each other no reason. The question is will you be my girlfriend?”

(hope you enjoyed this chapter. thanks for reading :) )

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