Chapter Four

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  • Dedicated to Dance Gavin Dance

A/N Dedicated to Dance Gavin Dance for getting me out of my funk (IE writer's block). I've been listening to the song Uneasy Hearts Weigh the Most for like 5 days!! The person on the right is Jessie; sexy isn't he??? O-o UK Skin watchers know who he is. Also dedicated to Mitch Hewer for being so sexy.


I recover and before I can stop myself I smack him. "That's for at The Garage!" I growl. As he recovers I smack him again, "And that's for in my dreams!" Before he can deny it I hold up my pink, bruised index finger and flex it, literally growling at him.

"Okay, I deserve that," he says rubbing his cheek.

"You damn right you do! You good for noth-"



"You want me to repeat it? I said, 'I'm sorry.'"

"I know, it's just," I stammer. His whole demeanor had changed since last night, which is kind of startling.

"Is there something going on here?" Jessie asks coming to stand next to me, putting his hand on my shoulder protectively.

I look from him to Lucas, "No, everything's okay."

"Are you sure? I saw you smack him and you're not a violent person."

"No, it's- I mean yeah I smacked him."

Jessie gives me a look.

I sigh, "Its fine," I repeat. "You can go back to your porn."

He looks from me to Lucas suspiciously before finally saying. "Okay; call if you need anything. I'll keep a headphone out for you."

I nod once and look back at Lucas who was glaring at Jessie, something stupid Bella person (WHICH I AM NOT!) would confuse as jealousy glinting in his eye. Him and Jessie stare at each other for a second, the testosterone so thick in the air I could taste it. I nudge Jessie towards his nook and he takes the hint and goes back to his desk.

"Was that your boyfriend?" Lucas asks still glaring at Jessie.

"Who? Jessie? N- That's none of your business!" I growl at him. "Why are you stalking me anyway?!"

His face softens when he looks at me, "Uh, can we talk?"

I glance back at Jessie who, true to his word, had one headphone out. He was glaring in our direction not even bothering to pretend he had resumed watching his pornography. I sigh and press my hands flat on the counter, bouncing on my toes, propelling my butt on the counter. Twisting I turn my body to the side of the counter Lucas was on and slide down; gliding past him I lead him to my hidden nook towards the back of the store, a place where Jessie (if he chose to follow) wouldn't find us. I plop down on the beanbag chair I had stashed and look at Lucas, who was wearing a baggy pair of dark jeans and a pair of old grungy Chucks. I smile at the sneakers.

"Speak," I sigh looking up to his face.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you at The Garage," He says looking down at me, "and for you know, breaking your finger."

I nod showing my forgiveness.

"Anyway," he says sighing. "I'm no good-"

"I've noticed," I laugh curtly, cutting him off.

"Look! I'm not normal and I'm not good for you. I just want you to stay away from me," he grunts.

I glare at him, eyebrows furrowing; I cross my arms over my chest, "You come to me!" I growl. "It was my homeroom, my club, my job, my dream! How are you gonna tell me to stay away from you when you keep coming to me?!"

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