2. Jealousy (Dani) part 1

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Dani's P.O.V.
Dear Journal,
I don't know what to do. I'm sick of it all. Things won't change. They never have and they never will. For as long as I could remember she has always been the favorite. She has always been taken care of. She has always gotten the most attention from my other sisters. She is Lauren Cimorelli. Everyone's favorite girl in the whole entire world. She has everything. She's smart, she's witty, she's shy and mysterious. She's funny, kind, and beautiful. How could I ever live up to that. I don't understand it. Why can't I be perfect like Lauren. All of them show so much love to her. Christina is her birthday twin and is sooooo over protective with her. Katherine and her have intelligent conversations all the time. They always talk to each other. Lisa would jump in front of a bullet for Lauren. Amy and Lauren shop together...bond together. I can't say that they love me the same amount as they love Lauren. You can tell how much they love her. Lisa takes pictures of her all the time and calls her perfect. I'm merely her shadow. Katherine complements how smart she is and brags about Lauren to everyone, yet you never hear my name come out of any of there mouths. Why can't I be like Lauren? Wise like Lauren, pretty like Lauren, perfect....like Lauren. Why don't the love me like they love Lauren? The sad thing is, I know it's true and so does everyone else. They all know that Lauren is the favorite one. She's the star, while I'm just her annoying sidekick. I'm loud, obnoxious, and boy obsessed. I can see why they all hate me. Everything's all about Lauren. I'm sorry for ranting but I just needed to get it out. Thanks for listening .
Xoxo Dani
I click my pen and hide my journal back underneath my bed. I check my phone and go through my messages with my sisters. We have a group chat for the band/sisters. They are texting in it like crazy
Lisa: yo y'all wanna get together tonight. Hang out?
Katherine: sure! I'm free
Christina: same here. U guys r home right
Amy: yes. I'm free and home
Lisa: Lauren what about u?
Christina: yea lolo r u free?
Dani: guys I'm free
You see. Here is evidence that they don't even care about me. They directly asked Lauren but not me. What did I do?
Amy: oh k
Christina: Lauren answer ur phoneeeee
Lauren: yea I'm free. Dan and I will meet at ur house in 30 minutes
Katherine: lets watch a movie. I'll bake some cookies for us
Christina: sounds gr8 I'll make sure everything is in order
I turn off my phone and get ready. I guess we are going to the girls house. Yay. I guess I'll start to get ready.
*20 minutes later *
"Lauren r u ready to go" I scream through the house as I'm waiting by the front door. "Yes" I hear coming from another room. Soon enough Lauren comes running down the stairs. "You ready?" She says as she rushes to grab the car keys. "Yea" I say nonchalantly. We get in Lauren's car and drive for about 10 minutes. The car ride is awkwardly silent. Usually I would be talking but today I just feel like crap. I mean don't get me wrong, Lauren is my favorite sister too, but that's because we are the closest in age and always together. But Lauren is also everyone else's favorite sister. There isn't anything wrong with that, but I'm just always in her shadows. If they and to choose between Lauren and I, the obvious answer would be Lauren. Suddenly my thoughts are interrupted by the car pulling into the large driveway. "Hey Dani. Before we go in, are you ok?" She asks me sincerely. "I'm fine" I answer back, making sure not to show any emotions. "Ok. If anything is up, you can talk to me. And the others" she responded, motioning towards the house. "Ok thanks laur" I say back quietly. We both get out of the car and make our way to pick the house. I ring the doorbell and Lisa answers. "Hi girls!" She says excitedly. She gives me a small hug and legit grabs Lauren and hugs her for a straight minute. Great job at making me feel good about myself . We walk in to the living room, where the fairly large couch and recliner are. Christina is putting bowls of popcorn down on the end tables. Amy is placing folded blankets on the side of the couch, obviously for us to use during the movie. And I'm guessing by the smell of cookies baking, Katherine is in the kitchen. "The girls are here!" Christina screams to Katherine, who comes out of the kitchen with a freshly baked plate of cookies, as I correctly assumed. "Hi Lauren! hi Dani" Amy, Christina, and Katherine say isync, as they give us hugs. Well at least I get a decent hug this time. I wouldn't even consider Lisa's a hug. All of the girls sit down on the sofa. "Hey guys move down. Lemme sit with you all" I say, trying to actually get my sisters attention. "Sorry dan. There's no room. Sit on the recliner." Amy says and motions the the single chair. They are all cuddled up next to Lauren. My heart is breaking more and more. I sigh and sit on the recliner by myself. "What movie are we watching" Lauren asks as Christina grabs the remote from the end table. "It's up to you Lo Lo" Christina says as she strokes Lauren's hair. "I don't care. Let Dani choose" she says to me, shooting me a warm smile. "Ummmm I don't care either." I say hesitantly. "Ok. How about we watch The Titanic" Katherine says. The sappy inner romantic in her loves that movie. "Sure. Why not" Amy says with a smile. The movie starts and everything is going smoothly.
*About two hours later*
The movie finally ends and I see a few of my sisters crying. Yea Jack dies, but death is inevitable. "Awww Lauren don't cry" I hear Christina say, as she gives her a hug. "I'm not crying. There was something in my eye" Lauren says back, trying to cover her tracks I guess. "Ladybugggg" Lisa says dramatically, pulling her into a hug. I hate this. So much. I stand up and walk to the front door. "Dani's where are you going" Katherine asks, moving her eyes off of Lauren onto me. "I just need some fresh air." I say. And just like that, I walk outside. It's a chilled October evening. I sit on there front porch and let the tears fall. "I don't understand. Why don't they love me?" I whisper to myself. Do I want them to see things from my point of view? Do I want them to realize how much pain they make me feel? Yes, I do. I stand back up and open the front door again. I have an idea. I go to the office room, and get six pens and pieces of paper. I also run to the kitchen and get a bowl. Before I walk in, I write on the back of an extra piece of paper "if 4 of these pieces say the name 'Lauren' then I confront them. If not, I'll apologize for making them play". I fold it and out it in my back pocket. "Guys lets play a game." I say, as I walk back into the room to find all my sisters swarming around a smiling Lauren. "Ok. Lets do it" Lauren says. All of my sisters nod. "Ok. This is what we are gonna do. Each of us is gonna write our favorite sister on a piece of paper. Then we'll fold it up and put it in the bowl. It will be anonymous." I say. "DANI THATS A HORRIBLE GAME." Christina yells. "No way am I doing that!" Lisa adds on. "Dani why would you even say that?" Amy asks, shocked by my idea. "OBVIOUSLY ITS BECAUSE YOU GUYS DONT WANT TO ADMIT IT BUT WE ALL KNOW ITS TRUE" I yell back, feeling my face turn red with anger and somewhat embarrassment. "Dani what are you even talking about?" Katherine asks, sounding a bit worried. "Oh don't play dumb! Our fans know it, she knows it, and I KNOW IT" I scream once again, feeling more and more anger rush through my veins. "Dani. Calm down. Are you ok?" Lisa says, actually looking at me worried. "WELL IT LOOKS LIKE YOU ALL CARE NOW. AND I WILL NOT CALM DOWN" I yell angrily. "What are you talking about?!" Christina nervously asks and slowly stands up from her spot next to Lauren. "Do you wanna know what I'm talking about....really? Do you really wanna know?" I spoke shakily. "Yes. You can tell us anything" Christina says and comes over to hug me. I flinch backwards. I'm a horrible sister for being jealous of Lauren. For hating them for loving her more. I feel warm tears fall down my cheeks. "Forget it" I whisper. "Dani. I think I know what's going on." A soft voice speaks, as I sit down on the floor, hiding my face in my hands. The voice belongs to Lauren. Oh God. This isn't going to end well. "You don't know what's going on. None of you do. Lauren this isn't your fault. It's my issue" I stutter out. "Dani. Tell me what's going on" she says out loud. I feel her hand being placed on my shoulder. "How do you think I feel when everyone flocks to you. When you get compliments and affection, when I'm standing right next to you. When boys flirt with you whenever we are together. When our own sisters choose you over me, and just push me aside. Yes. Im jealous. Im jealous of the perfect, beautiful, smart, funny, reliable, and kind Lauren Cimorelli. I can't help it. They all shelter you and show you so much love. I don't even get to sit on the same couch as you cause they just push me away. I'm just merely your shadow. Your the super hero and I'm just the sidekick. When your other half is better than you at everything, it's hard not to feel jealous, but especially when my own family doesn't love me the same. I am sorry for feeling this way but it's true. All you guys ever do is give all of your attention and love to her, while I just watch from the sidelines." I take a deep breath and stand up. I glance at everyone's faces. They are all in utter shock. I still feel the tears run down my cheeks. "I knew this was a bad idea" i quickly say and run out of the car. I lock the doors behind me and sit and cry in the passenger seat. "God please forgive me for being jealous of her. Please forgive me" I repeat over and over again.

A/n To be continued. Sorry this is so long. Update coming soon

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