Chapter Six

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"C-Castiel?" stuttered Gabriel. "What are you doing here on Earth?"
"Father told me that I had work to do down here," answered Castiel. Strange, thought Gabriel. He doesn't sound like the Castiel I remember.
"Hate to break up the little family reunion here," said Dean, "but Sam still needs help." Castiel went to Sam and quickly healed him while Gabriel healed the wound in his own leg caused by Dean shooting him. Gabriel started to get up but Dean aimed his gun on him again.
"Don't you think that's a little much?" asked Gabriel.
"No." Dean was staring coldly at Gabriel. "Just because you claim to be an archangel doesn't mean we can trust you. Angels are dicks, after all."
"That's not the attitude I saw when Castiel showed up," Gabriel said, smirking. Dean cocked his gun again.
"Considering your position, I'd shut up if I were you."
"Do you plan on killing me with a gun? You'd be better off with an angel blade." Dean pulled the trigger and Gabriel felt his chest explode in pain... for about three seconds. Gabriel pushed himself off the ground and faced Dean. Dean shot him five more times and Gabriel barely flinched.
"The hell?!"
"Dean," said Castiel. "He is an angel. He can't be killed with a normal weapon."
"Cas is right, Dean," said Sam. "We found that out years ago. Not even the Colt could kill him if he's really who he says he is." Dean sighed in frustration and lowered his gun.
"Thanks to Dean-o here, my vessel's clothes are beyond ruined," said Gabriel. "I was beginning to like this outfit, too."
"What exactly are you doing here?" asked Sam.
"Well, Samsquatch, I'm doing work for the Big Man Upstairs. Y'Know, classic angel work. But, I am beginning to like how you guys live down here so I'm deciding whether to go back or not when I'm done."
"You can get your sorry angel ass out of here now," growled Dean. Gabriel chuckled.
"You knuckleheads don't get it, do you?" Sam, Dean, and Castiel stared at Gabriel blankly and Gabriel pinched the bridge of his nose. "Y'Know, from what I'd heard about the famous Winchesters, I expected a little more... smarts." Gabriel clapped loudly and the other three men started. "Hello! Who's trying to ruin the world right at this moment?"
"You're here to stop Lucifer," said Sam.
"Bingo! Give the Samsquatch a cookie!"
"Can you... stop calling me that?" asked Sam.
"What other nickname would I call you?" replied Gabriel. "Your brother already has an angel." Dean had been acting like he wasn't really listening, but suddenly made a choking noise at Gabriel's comment. Gabriel snickered and then turned his attention back to Sam.
"Dean and Cas may have... whatever Cas called it... but that doesn't mean anything! Cas is our friend. Actually, at this point, he's family." Gabriel felt a twinge of anger when Sam called Castiel "family." Sam and Dean, humans, were the farthest thing from family considering Castiel. Gabriel was more closely related to Castiel and Gabriel was an archangel while Castiel was a regular angel.
"Come on, Sam," Dean said suddenly. "Let's just leave this douchebag and get on with the case."
"Yo. Dean-o. You know I'm still here, right? Lemme guess. This case has something to do with demons? Werewolves, maybe? What about more angels?" Dean looked at Gabriel in shock.
"How... How'd you know?" asked Sam. "This case we're on... We're dealing with all three." Gabriel smirked.
"Hello, humans," he said. "I'm an archangel." Gabriel was pretty sure that Dean desperately wished that he could kill Gabriel right that instant.

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