Chapter Five

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Gabriel looked at his brother, Castiel, and felt a tear slip down his face. Castiel had grown into a wonderful angel over the past few hundred years. The nice part was that he was still attached to Gabriel, who loved him back just as much. One day, Gabriel felt Chuck calling for him and appeared outside of Chuck's study. He knocked and was told to enter.

"What is it, Father?" asked Gabriel. He could tell it was something serious so he knew to use more formal language.

"There's a problem down on Earth," Chuck answered.

"What message would you have me take?"

"None. I need you to go down there, find a vessel, and help an organisation called the Men of Letters." Gabriel was confused.

"What's a vessel?"

"A human that gives you their consent to possess them. You use their body to walk around Earth. You need to find someone who's body is strong enough to hold you, and you need their consent. You must leave immediately. Do you understand?" Gabriel nodded.

"Father, I know you need me to do this, but I just don't feel comfortable doing it."

"I understand. I shall send Michael instead. He's done this before and knows how to find the right vessel." Gabriel nodded and left Chuck's study. Why do I feel like I've disappointed him? Castiel came running toward him as soon as he rounded the corner.

"Gabriel!" exclaimed Castiel, slightly out of breath. He saw the look on his brother's face. "What is wrong?"

"Nothing," Gabriel lied. He felt something surge through him. I... I just... lied. Like a human... To Castiel! Gabriel turned away.

"Where are you going?" Gabriel turned back to him.

"I have to do something for Dad."

"Can I help?"

"I'm sorry, Castiel. You can't. I have to go to Earth. You're not ready for that yet." Gabriel turned away again and felt something tug at one of his wings.

"Don't go..." He turned to see tears forming in Castiel's eyes. He hugged him.

"I'm sorry, little bro. But I have to." Gabriel snapped his fingers and vanished. He knew that the look of grief on Castiel's face would forever be burned into his memory.

Two years later...

"Come on, Sam!" someone yelled. Gabriel started, still trying to sort out the emotions of his vessel, when he heard the person yell.

"Dean!" the other yelled back. "I'm over here! I can't walk!" Gabriel heard running and then someone drop to the ground.

"Sam! Are you okay?" Gabriel dared to look out from behind his hiding spot. There were two human men, both on the ground. The one who was injured had longish brown hair, and the one kneeling next to him had short, dark blonde hair. The injured must be Sam, making the other one Dean. Sam looked up in pain and met Gabriel's eyes. Shit! Gabriel realised that he had just thought like a human. Great. Dad's gonna kill me...


"It'll be okay, Sammy."

"No! Dean, there's someone here with us! Behind you!" Dean moved faster than Gabriel could. Gabriel heard a gun discharge and then felt pain explode in his right leg. He dropped to the ground, holding his hand against the fresh wound. Dean walked over to Gabriel, still pointing the gun at him.

"Who are you?" Dean asked coldly.

"I'm-" Gabriel was cut off by someone else entering the room. He was wearing an ill-fitting suit and a trench coat.

"Dean?" they asked.

"Cas! Hell, am I glad to see you!" Cas? "Can you use your... you know... on Sam?" The man nodded. Before he knelt next to Sam, his eyes went to Gabriel.

"Who is that?"

"Don't know. Hasn't said his name yet." Gabriel attempted to get up, but failed. Dean trained his gun back on the archangel. "You stay down! Who are you?" Gabriel looked up him.

"Some call me Loki," Gabriel answered. "Some call me a Trickster." Dean cocked his gun at the word "Trickster." Gabriel looked the newcomer in the eye. "And some call me Gabriel." Dean nearly dropped his gun. The newcomer just stared at him in disbelief.

"G-Gabriel?" Dean stuttered. "As in, messenger of God, six wings, archangel Gabriel?" Gabriel nodded.

"Gabriel?" whispered the newcomer. Gabriel turned to him.

"And you are?"

"Your brother. It's me. Castiel."

If Gabriel hadn't already been on the floor, he would have collapsed.

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