Chapter 5

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The next day they all piled up in Dante's car and went to the strip club. Julie kept whinning and they all agreed to go.

"I don't caer what you do but i am not taking my clothes off." Emma said as they pulled up in the parking lot.

"Uh, I'm not doing it by myself!" Julie yelled.

"Then just don't do it." Mark said.

"Why shouldn't we?" Julie put her hands on her hips.

"Well," Mark started. He took a puff off of his dub, "It aint right. Now don't get me wrong, I love strippers as much as any other black guy, but I mean you guys have respect. These hoe's in there are just that. Hoe's. They have no respect for them and people don't respect them. People respect you guys, so don't degrade yo'selfs for something so simple as signatures." then he put out his dub and got in the car.

"Wow that guy is smart." Emma said.

"But he is still a dumb ass." DeaShaun smiled, "But I guess he is our dumb ass."

"Yeah," Dante said, "I don't know what we would do without our dumb ass Mark."

Julie walked to the car, "Let's go somewhere else. Mark was right, this is wrong."

Later on they were at the park hanging out and asking for signatures.

Mark sighed, "I hate this! Can't we go do something fun?"

"No, I have to get signatures!!" Emma said.

"Well can WE go do something and YOU stay. This is yo thing afta'all"

DeaShaun slapped him, "We are all in this together."

"Awe man, don't start singing and going queer on me!" Mark said.

"I ain't gonna start singing." he walked away and sat down.

"Ha, I noticed you didn't say you weren't gone go queer on me." He busted out laughing and DeaShaun flung himself after him but was caught by Dante.

"No fighting! We fight, we get a bad image." He said he sat each boy down away from each other.

DeaShaun's cell phone started ringing, "Hello?" he answered.

A voice so serious sounded from the other end, "Is this DeaShaun Taylor?"

"Who wanna know?" He looked at his crew.

"I am Dr. Neal, calling from the city hosipital. Do you know of a George Hammer?"

He felt a clump in his throat, "Yes, why?"

"I regret to infrom that Mr. Hammer has died of cancer."

"Cancer!" He shout as tears immediatly flooded his eyes, "I just saw him yesterday!" His voice cracked, "He l-looked so fine then."

"I know he did. Mr. Hammer has had cancer for a few months now and it finally took him away."

His shoulder shook so hard that everyone wrapped their arms around him. He wiped his eyes but the tears kept coming. George was the only real family he had, and he wasn't actually related.

"I am sorry for your lose, but he has left you something in his will. The reading and funeral is tomorrow. I give you my condolences." And with that the doctor hung up.

He just sat there and let his phone hit the ground as he shook his head and let all his tears just overflow. He felt so missused, so heartbroken, so, so, so, angry. He just wanted to beat something or somebody, just find some way to get his angry and saddness out. He pushed everyone away and ran.

He ran passed the parking lot, passed the road and into the woods, he just ran until he couldn't run no more. He fell to his knees and let the fresh new rain wash away the pain of lose. Losing George was like losing love. George cared more about him then his mama. She was always gone but George was there everyday.

He fell face down at the crack of thunder, passed out, he laid there in the mudd untill his friends found him.

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