Pick Up

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I sighed stepping out the shower limping out the bathroom I sat on the bed.

I screamed when the door opened covering myself.

Mijo raised his eyebrow closing the door behind him.

"I thought you was someone else."

"No one else is here."

I shrugged . "I never left here- I woke up and showered. " I tossed the towel and slid back on the bed getting in the blanket.

He came to me kneeling beside the bad sliding his fingers in my hair.

"How you feel?"


"Well come on so you can get your money and we both can go to sleep."

"Babe can you wrap my foot back please?"

He nodded and kissed my forehead then grabbed the ace bandage.

After her wrapped my ankle I stood limping to the dresser sliding in boyshorts. Then I put on a black bra to match with a white wife beater. Then I slid in a pair of blue skinny jeans and some elite socks with my jordan slide ins fish tailing my hair over my shoulder.

I leaned forward on the dresser shifting my weight off my right ankle as I put on lipgloss.

Mijo slid his arms around my waist nuzzling my neck.

"I been thinking about you all day babe." He said squeezing me slightly.

"What about me?"

"Everything babe your smile, your laugh , your body , your voice I just was worried about you. " He admitted.

"Why you so worried?" I asked turning around and he lifted me on the dresser.

"Your unpredictable Cyn and even in pain you'd leave. I dont think you know how much I love you. If we werent so fucked up I swear on my life that I'd marry you. I cant see myself with anyone else I lost my virginity to you - honestly your all I know and all I want Cyn. Im really afraid imma wake up one day and your gonna be gone."

"Mijo I told you im not going anywhere. Ill tell you before I leave even though youll change my mind most likely. I know you love me shit if I didnt love you as much as I do I wouldnt be here right now. We been together for what four years now?."

"Yup." He said pulling me closer looking at my lips.

"I dont want anyone but you Mijo."

"And I dont want anyone but you." He said before laying a long possessive kiss on my lips.

He pulled away smiling.

I rolled my eyes at him taking my car keys from behind me and putting them in his pocket.

"Wheres my phone?"

"I got it." He said lifting me up and carrying me from the room closing the door.

Avoiding an argument I didnt ask why he had it.

"Babe I bought a car."

"What car?" He asked leaving the building. Im surprised I slept all day since its dark out now.

"The mustang."

"Whered you get it?" He asked crossing the street.

"Somewhere up in the cliffs."

"You walked up there?"

"I really wanted this car."

He chuckled. "Whetes the keys?"

"I put them in your pocket."

He slid em out then opened the passenger side door putting me in being careful of my ankle. Then he handed me my phone.

The message from Yayo was there.

Point. 15.50


I rolled my eyes looking at the time its 3 in the morning now. Well be at city point in less than 50 minutes.

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