Money Trail

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"You always hating." I told Mijo as we walked upstairs

"Shut up i'm not even sweating the fact that you won but you cheated babe come on."


"Why would you trick me?"

"Why wouldnt I?" I said laughing as we pushed open the door.

"Well now im mad." I laughed as he closed the door.

"Why you mad?" Chris asked Mijo

"Cus i shitted on him in basketball."


"Santana always dished that work. " A.G said dapping me up.

I smirked.

"Im stealing my girlfriend for a minute." Lola said lacing her fingers in mine.

"Oh hell no." Keis and Mijo said at the same time.

I laughed with Lola. "Yall better get the fuck outta here Santana been my bitch from A1."

They scrunched their faces up at us. Laughing we went to the back of the house to her room she locked the door.

She lit the fat  blunt that she held like a cigarette.

"Where you been? " She said sitting beside me.

"In and out of town."

"Heard you been in and out of jail too."

I sighed. "Fucking up bad." I mumbled as she handed me the blunt.

"I hear it girl - be careful.  We all been missing your ass especially Mijo and Keis even though you know he aint gon admit it. This house be dead silent and when we go out now shit dont be as turnt. I mean you know we all doing time if any of us go under why you gotta be the one to leave? No lie I was hurting bad i thought something happened to you. You just disappeared " She was on the brink of tears I blew out the smoke handing back the blunt putting my head in my hands.

"Im sorry , i just - i dont know. I kept slipping up and getting sloppy you know. I aint wanna jeopardize you guys so I left. In doing so i continued to fuck up but i learned to back track and pick up after myself better. I needed to get closer to my sister. I used to climb in her window every night and talk to her for hours. She promised to never tell her mother and she never did. I gave her so much money i lost count. The other night i went to go see her , her room was empty she never told me she was moving or where she was going." I held back tears as I stared ahead. "I tried so hard to keep our bond strong so that when I got my shit together I could get her away from that bitch before she could take her away from me. But I was too late my sister was all the blood I had left that aint turn on me you know? And now i mean i know she still cares but it feel like now i dont even got her I hate feeling alone and vulnerable-." I huffed.

"Its always you that makes me cry." I giggled a little wiping my tears.

"Atleast I know you aint doing all this shit for nothing baby - im here for you if you aint know it. I dont want you to leave Santana - all day and all night you can be gone on your hustle but please let this be the place you rest your head - promise me that."

"I promise."

"Kiss on it."

She said cupping my cheek I pecked her lips a few times.


"Yeah and you better keep that promise." She said.

"Now go to Mijo this is the only day he really has off and send Keis back here I want some of that thug lovin." I laughed leaving her room.

I walked to the living room and Keis was in there bagging up.

"Lola wants you." I said holding the door knob to Mijos room.

"Im busy."

"Alright but shes in the mood Keis." His head lifted with realization and he hurried to put the work away.

I shook my head opening Mijos room door him A.G and Shy burning laying on the bed.

I got in bed laying my head in Mijos chest putting my arms around him.

"Damn Santana you got the fats , you didn't  have all that ass last time i seen you." A.G said.

"Nigga dont be looking at my girls ass."

"Well look if she gotta ass imma let her know i know."

I laughed. "Your retarded August."

"He is you know yesterday he tried to put the toaster in the oven because the bread was in the toaster and it wouldn't come on and he couldnt get the bread out when all his dumb ass had to do was plug it in. Let me tell you i was dying for hours." Shy said making me and Mijo laugh at A.G

"Fuck you guys I was hungry-  and im keeping this bud." He stood angrily with the ounce in a baggie in his hand he left. I was still laughing I dont understand.

I sighed catching my breath.

"Baby wait," Shy got up running after him closing the door behind her.

Mijo rolled me on my back.

"Your brother is an idiot." I said laughing softly.

"I know- you still wanna go out to night?"


He wrapped his arms around me laying his head on my chest.

"What you wanna do then?"

"Lay here."

He tightened his arms around me as I slid my fingers to his hair.

"Yeah sure we can do that."

"Shower first?"


"Babe come on."

"Lets sweat a lil more ." He mumbled sleepily pulling my shirt off to lay his head in the crook of my neck we now lay chest to chest once he took my bra off too.

I sighed tracing my fingers up and down his bare back feeling the scratches i gave him.

He pressed his lips to my neck.

"I love you baby." He mumbled against my neck.

"I love you too." I said then pressing my lips to his temple.

"I dont want you to leave tomorrow. " He admitted sleepily as I slowly dozed off. His fingers followed a slow up and down path on my side relaxing me.

I took a slow breath feeling him slightly tensing up on me. I swear he gets mad just as fast as I do.

"Im not going anywhere."  I mumbled

"Hmm?" He mumbled

I yawned sliding my fingers in his head turning my head my eyes slowly shut.

"Im staying , i mean im still gonna get shit done but where else am I gonna stay? My sisters gone and I dont trust anyone else." I mumbled making sense of my decision.

He tightened his arms around me taking my hand in his lacing our fingers.

"What made you try to change your mind?"

"Lola and her damn preaching."

He laughed sleepily. "I hear it."

He said something else but I was already slipping under it wasnt long untill i fell completely asleep.

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