Chapter Three

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Olivia squinted as the morning sunlight shined through her curtains

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Olivia squinted as the morning sunlight shined through her curtains. She smiled as she remembered the events of last night, causing her to look down at her new addition to her hand. Olivia twisted the ring on her finger. She turned in the bed to see Tommy peacefully sleeping. Giving him a kiss of the forehead, She got out of bed,placing on her dressing robe and make her way downstairs.

As she prepared a cup of tea, she thought of her future. Now she was engaged, what would happen now? A home? Children? All the things Olivia had never dreamed of where now coming to life and it made her giddy, knowing she was going to be doing all of that with the man she loved.

A knock at her front door, distracted her from her train of though as she went to answer the door. As she did, the large family of Shelby's came pushing through the front door. Polly, at the front, took hold of Olivia's hand.

'Oh sweetheart! I am so happy for both of you!' She exclaimed, pulling her in for a hug. Olivia laughed as the Shelby brothers congratulated her.

'Finally! We will have a good looking Shelby in the family!' Arthur said joyously, receiving a stare and slap on the arm by Polly. John rolled his eyes and pulled his new soon to be sister in law in for a hug.

'Where is he anyway?' John asked, as he looked around the house for signs of Tommy. Before Olivia could open her mouth to respond, Tommy was making his way down the stairs, with his shirt slightly undone.

'I'm here! The noise you lot make, I'm surprised you didn't wake the dead up!' Tommy responded, flashing a wink to Olivia. She watched as his family pulled him in for congratulatory hugs.

'You look after her Tommy,' Polly stated. Tommy rolled his eyes at her.

'I will Polly, come on. You have more faith in me than that!'

'Oh I do. But I just want to make sure the message is clear,' Polly concluded. Tommy shook his head and turned to his brothers.

'Right then. Drinks in the pub tonight boys, my treat!' Arthur exclaimed causing the brothers to laugh. Olivia was preoccupied with Polly looking at her ring in awe.

'You're a lucky girl, Liv,' Polly commented.  Olivia sighed as she looked at her future husband joking with his brothers.

'Oh don't I know it.' She whispered. Olivia walked over to the boys and placed an arm on Tommy's upper arm. 'Right boys, I'm sorry to break this up but me and my fiance have some unfinished business,' Olivia said winking at the two brothers. She felt Tommy's arm wrap around her waist and pull her in close. John and Arthur starting whistling as Polly dragged them out of the house. Olivia and Tommy chuckled at the scene in front of them. Tommy turned to Olivia, wrapping both arms around her waist.

'Unfinished business?' He asked teasingly with a raised eyebrow. He knew exactly what she meant. She flashed him a smile and tugged at his hand, as she walked up the stairs. Tommy watched as her hips swayed as she led him to the bedroom.

Olivia blushed as the girls working in the betting shop fawned over her engagement ring. Esme muttered about how John needed to take a leaf out of Tommy's book.

'Oh Esme, I'm sure John does things that Tommy doesn't,' Olivia commented polietly. Esme rolled her eyes and before she could speak out, Polly beat her to it.

'Yes, like get her knocked up!' The girls laughed while Esme pulled a face, giving Polly a light slap.

'So, when's the big day, Liv?' Polly asked, she was probably already planning her outfit. Olivia looked away from her ring and shrugged her shoulders.

'We don't have one yet. Tommy has a few business deals to sort first,' Olivia responded, gaining a reassuring nod from  Polly. The girls continued to laugh and joke while they worked, mainly about the Shelby men in their lives.

'Alright ladies, I think that's enough gossiping for one day don't you think,' Tommy's voice spoke up, stopping the girls from laughing. Tommy threw a wink at Olivia and she couldn't help but blush. 'If you don't mind ladies, I need to have a word with my wife to be,' Tommy said gesturing for Olivia to step into his office. Polly and Esme giggled as they watched the two walk away.

Olivia stepped in Tommy's office, unsure of what he wanted.

'Tommy, I'm sorry I didn't mean to distract them,' Olivia started. Tommy threw his hand up and sat behind his large desk.

'Dont apologise Liv, sit down,' he said as Olivia took the chair in front of his desk. He pushed some paperwork to one side and looked at Olivia.

'So Olivia, the lads want to take me out of town for the week. Sort of a celebration, hope you don't mind?' Tommy asked, never loosing his gaze from her. Olivia rolled her eyes, like he needed to ask.

'Of course I don't mind Tommy. Go and have fun!' Olivia exlaimed. Tommy stood up and walked over to her, placing a kiss on her temple. 'No whores, though,' Olivia joked. Tommy smirked and nodded his head. Olivia grabbed his hand and he pulled her up from the chair.

'Just stay safe,' Olivia spoke softly, as she looked into those pale blue eyes.

'I will. Don't worry,' Tommy smiled kissing her temple. He wrapped his arm around her and held her close. One week was too long to be away from this girl.

'Where are they taking you?' Olivia whispered in his ear, Still holding each other close. Tommy pulled away and took hold of her face in his hand gently.

'Who knows. But it will probably involve drink and guns. I've told the lads i don't want no trouble,' Tommy spoke, a serious time to his voice. Olivia smiled, he was the leader of the pack that was certain.

'Well I love you and I will see you when you return. You never know, I might have a surprise waiting for you when you get home,' Olivia teased as she released Tommy from the embrace and began to walk out of his office. Tommy quickly chased after her, pulling on her arm before she could walk out. As he did, he pressed his body against hers and she stumbled into the back of the closed door. She could feel his heavy breath, his arms pinned to either side of her so she couldn't escape.

'What kind of surprise?' Tommy spoke in low tones. Olivia flashed her eyelashes at him. She could still tease him even now. She ran a hand down his shirt, fiddling with the buttons.

'Well Mr Shelby, if i tell you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?' She said. Tommy looked her up and down, watching her playing with his shirt.

'I don't care for surprises.'

'I do. Sorry Tommy, you're going to have to wait!' Olivia said as she stopped playing with his buttons and gently pulled on the two strong arms blocking her from leaving. She reached up and kissed him as she saw the disappointment in his face.

'I love you, Tommy.'

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