13 ○ Worried

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Love yourself was released and I love all the songs. I can't decide which one is my favourite.
I'm excited to see them perform DNA



Yooa asked me yesterday to help her with her math homework and here we are now, me helping her with her homework in an enpty room we found in BigHit.

I was trying to explain how to solve the problem, but she wasn't focused. I stopped talking and looked at her.

She didn't even notice that I stopped talking. I've notice that her thoughts were somewhere else this whole day, which was unusual for her. Normally she is really focused and concentrated on what she does.

I took a deep breath "Yooa-ya, is everything alright?"

She looked at me "Huh.... yeah everything is fine, sorry."

"You sure? You can talk to me. Your thoughts are somewhere else and you are not focused." I sighed

"It's just that math is not for me. I'm sorry...." she looked down.

"If you say so. Let's continue so you won't get in trouble for not doing your homework." I smiled to her.

She smiled back and nodded. I didn't want to continue asking her questions. If she wants to tell me, she will. I will not force her.


I didn't want the others to worry about me. They have their own things to worry about, so I didn't tell them about my mom leaving.

Today she will come to the Entertainment to talk with Bang PD-nim about her leaving and where I would live.

Now I have to focus on my math homework. Yaayy~~ I just love math *note my sarcasm*
But I don't want to worry Namjoon, so I have to focuse now.

After finishing it, we went back to dance practice. I continued teaching Namjoon and Yoongi.

While teaching them I got a message from my mom.

Mom <3

I'm here infront of
his office

Ok I'm on my way


"I have to go somewhere. I'll be back." I told the boyd. They asked me where, but I told them I will tell them when I'm back. They nodded and I left.


My mom told Bang PD-nim that she will leave as soon as I have somewhere to live. He told her I will live with other girl trainees, since that is where usually trainees live, together with other trainees in a dorm.

After talking some more it was decided that I will start living in a dorm tomorrow and mom will leave the day after I moved. I will live with 5 other girl trainees.

My mom left the Entertainment and I went back to dance practice.

"Where were you?" Namjoon asked. Everybody stopped practicing and came to me.

"Just had to talk to Bang PD-nim about my future and everything. Nothing too serious. Let's get back to practice" I quickly went to a side and turned the music on. Namjoon and Yoongi came and I started teaching them.

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