Creepy Pasta

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Video by: Laizy-boy

March 25 : Day 2
2 hours after the 4 Titans got captured

"Ok Robin 1 do you copy?" Tim asked through his communicator.

"Copy Robin 3" Dick said to Tim through his communicator. "Ready to initiate Mission Creepy Pasta?"

"Yes" Damian said sneaking into a dark cave.

"Aye" Jason said on top of a tree.

"Yes Sir" Tim said behind Damian.

"Alright just to make sure everyone knows" Dick said. "And does anybody agree to not let Jason think of plan names?"

"Agreed" Damian said.

"Yup, I mean like Creepy Pasta?" Tim said.

"Hey! It's a great plan name" Jason said whisper shouting.

They all went into thier positions. Dick beside Tim, Damian on the side of the cave, Tim on the other side of the cave and Jason on top on a tree.

A bot got outside and Dick, Tim and Damian hid.

Jason doesn't have to because he's on top of a tree.

Tim hid behind Dick and then he ran behind the bot. He got out his Bo-staff, he tried to hit the bot but the bot was too fast and caught the staff "uh-oh"

The bot threw Tim and he smacked at a wall. The bot quickly grabbed Tim and covered him with a potato sack on his head "Robin Captured" the bot said.

"Good job mate !" Mad Mod said on the chest of the bot. "Now bring the lad in the lair"

The bot brought Tim inside the cave. Tim struggled to get out.

"Step 1 done" Dick, Damian and Jason followed the bot inside.

___15 minutes later___

The bot held both of Tim's arms. Dick , Damian and Jason are at ceiling hanging like bats.

"Oh Dear ! The little birdie seemed to have lost the ability to fly. What happened to you lad? Your that easy to catch !?! I thought it would be harder!" Mad Mod said proud of himself.

"Robin !! What happened !" Starfire said shocked. She knew that Robin is very stealthy but easy to catch?

"Actually, I'm not Robin" A younger voice said.

"Wait , who said that !?" Mad Mod said demanding the unknown voice.

"Here!" It's Robin , the one that has a been captured.

"Unmask him!" Mad Mod said. The Robot did what his creator said to him. When Tim's potato sack has been removed it was a different Robin. Instead of Green and Red it was Red and Black and his belt is at a different place.

"Is this a joke ? Another Robin!" Mad Mod said getting closer to the boy. "You know, it's not safe to fool a villain"

"Ya I know. But you know not to mess with a Hero" Tim said with a smirk on his face.

"Hero! Ha ! You make me laugh lad ! Now tell me what's your name?" Mad Mod holding his crane.

"The names Robin" Tim said.

"Robin ! Haha ! This boy is a barrel of laughs!"

"Actually I'm Robin" said another young voice. Damian got down.

"Woah! Another Robin! Kids this days ! Haha" Mad Mod laughed.

"We Robins don't like being called kids" An older voice. Jason said folding his arms.

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