Chapter 4 -The kitty Kat prediction

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Morning came with a bang and a clutter of noise. With reluctance I pushed my eyes open, only to have them close of their own accord. I have only had three hours sleep and my body was screaming in agony.

Despite the fact that I heal with remarkable speed, my mind had not had enough time to recover from the injuries it had sustained over the last couple of days.

With a groan I pushed myself off the bed and attempted to get up. Lord knows I had spent enough time in bed over the past couple of days and to make matters worse, I had to help the trinity track down the girl.

There was another reason why I was pushing myself into the shower when I could be lounging in bed.

Today, I was due to visit the Trust Halfway House. Every month I would visit Evangeline, making sure things were running smoothly and she was not being pestered by Trinity and criminals alike, not to mention dropping of the funds for the next month.

To be honest I don't think Evangeline needs my help. For an eighteen-year-old, she was extremely clever and organized, but as it was, I was due to check in on the kids I had dropped about a week ago.

A week?

Damn, I had not meant to wait that long; I was going to help Evangeline find the kids' parents.

The cold water cascaded over my knotted and bloody hair. The water felt great as it washed the remaining scum off of my body and did more to wake me than any caffeinated drink ever could.

Dressing in casual jeans and a t-shirt I kept just for the occasions I visit Trust, I put on the Fae cloak and made my way out of my flat. After all, there was no point in dressing for battle and scaring the kids needlessly; they deserved better.

Skipping lightly from roof to roof I made my way to Trust. Now you may ask “Are there no roads where you come from or do you take pride in acting like a cat-woman?” The answer is no and yes to those questions but not the reason why I avoid being watched.

It would not do for a girl to be walking into Trust every month like clockwork, especially since this girl had no business being anywhere near Trust.

As I snuck into the gates of Trust, I recognized the figure sitting by herself under a tree. Making sure I made no noise as I climbed the tree, I dangled just above her head

"So how's life treating you little Eve?" I whispered just above ear. She let out a soft scream before jumping off her seat.

"Will you stop doing that?! It was not funny when you did it the first time and it's not getting any funnier."

"You need to be more alert, Evangeline."

"You know fully well that you're the only person that can get the drop on me." and she was right.

First couple of weeks after I had found Eve she was too scared off everything, even her own shadow. So I had thought her how to fight, to defend herself, and she was good at it too.

Recently orphaned, she had explained to me how he had taken her and learning how to fight had made her feel more safe in her own skin, but she was too soft to be what I am, too kind. Not that she didn’t want to help, but I did not want another girl to become what I have; an emotionless killer.

In Eve I saw myself as I would have been, had I not grown up in the gutter, if I had a home and a family. I wanted Eve to remain the sweet kind girl I had met.

"Where have you been anyway? I have been so worried about you. I sent word to Zen but nothing came back. I thought . . . ." her voice cracked

"Eve come on, you know me, I am one though girl."

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