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Chapter Eight; Consequences.

Eden left Queenie at the Ministry doors, she told Eden that if she didn't come out in one hour Queenie would come find her. Eden thanked her before walking inside trying her best to look calm. She smiled at her fellow employees and entered the elevator, the goblin smiled at her.

'Where are you heading, Miss Rowan?' He asked stepping onto his stool next to the buttons.

'Mr Graves office, please.'

He nodded clicking one of the buttons, nobody said anything until the elevator door slowly opened and the goblin bid Eden goodbye. She ran to Mr Graves office, the door was slightly open which signified that he was not there at the moment. Eden groaned turning around running across the hall to the other side, instead of taking the elevator she rushed down the stairs to the next floor. When she opened the door she ran again towards the other stair entrance across from her, she was panting by the time she ran into someone.

'Leo!' She stumbled by him, he grabbed her shoulders to help steady her. 'Thanks.' She mumbled staring at the ground.

'Are you ok, Eden?' He asked, 'You look like you've rolled around in a mud puddle.'

'I'm fine!' She said, 'Have you seen Mr Graves?'

'He's down on the underground level, he caught Tina and two other people.'

Eden's eyes widened, she told Leo goodbye as she made her way to the elevator. When she entered she clicked the button herself, she wasn't in the mood for talking anymore.

Stumbling out of the elevator and running down the crowded hallways with a wand out caused a little bit of a panic. People looked over at Eden with worried expressions, they all backed away as Eden passed by. She spotted Mr Graves near the end of the hallway, she shouted his name as she rushed towards him.

'Mr Graves.' She panted, 'Sorry... for... interrupting...'

'It's fine, Miss Rowan.' He said.

'I followed Miss Goldstein and Mr Scamander but I've lost them-'

'Let me stop you right there, Miss Rowan.' Mr Graves interrupted, his eyes burned into hers. 'Miss Goldstein brought Mr Scamander and a No-Maj here to the Ministry and presented them to me.'

Eden sighed with relief, 'May I ask where they are now?'

Mr Graves didn't say anything for a few seconds, he never broke his stare towards Eden. She shuttered moving her gaze towards her feet, she crossed her arms in the meantime.

'Yes, I do.' Mr Graves said, 'They both have been found guilty and will be facing the punishment of death.'

'What?!' Eden yelled, 'Not again. I'm not losing them again!'

Mr Graves only smiled and bid Eden a good day. She screamed with rage before sprinting down the hallway to the elevator and she forcefully pressed the lowest button on the panel. The elevator jerked before descending downwards, Eden fumed as the elevator hit the floor. The doors opened and Eden took off, she could hear Tina's voice bouncing off the empty hall.

'Tina!' Eden yelled as she followed Tina's voice, it lead her to a room at the end of the long narrow hallway. Eden quietly opened the door, she was appalled when she peeked inside. Two Ministry Employees were there, one had Newt pinned down while Tina was sat up on a chair over some sort of liquid. She was smiling as she stared down at the substance, the Ministry worker kept telling her to step into it.

Eden barged in and tackled the woman who was controlling Tina, the woman's wand fell and disintegrated as soon as it hit the water. The woman struggled but flipped onto Eden, she yelped as the woman began pushing her closer to the water, she could feel her shoe brush up against it.

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