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A/N: so it's been like a year (again oh my god I am so sorry) since I last updated and I sincerely apologize, I re-read this story and I totally cringed lmao, but I will try to actually make it successful haha, I will probably change a few things, I realized it is sometimes super confusing, so if something doesn't make sense just ask. About where we are starting it is a few weeks after they left the hospital. Thanks for reading~ enjoy!

"Yoongi are you sure you're alright? I mean you barely got let out of the hospital and as soon as you got home you came straight to the studio, you've been up here a little too much." Yoongi set his pencil down looking up at his brother coming through the door.

"Jin I'm fine, I feel much better working on music." Yoongi looked back at his paper. "I just can't get this part right, what do you think." He held the paper up to Jin.

"Right here?" Yoongi nodded. "Well I'm no musical artist, why don't you call up Hoseok, doesn't he know about music too?"

"Where'd you hear that from?" Yoongi laughed taking back the paper. "Your boyfriend~?"

"Hey! Just cause we talk and hang out a lot doesn't mean we're dating. Anyways you're the one that needs help, Namjoon tells me he usually does dancing as a stress reliever, most recently anyways, and he is really goo--" Jin's phone rang.

"Maybe I should." Yoongi chuckled getting back to his paper.

"Hello?... Namjoon!... Yeah of course... I would love to... What time?.... Yeah... I'll be there... Bye~..." Jin looking a bit too red hung up.

"Ooooh a date is it?"

"Maybe~ hey do you think any of your friends could come over while I'm gone. I could also ask Namjoon to bring Hoseok." Jin said getting up.

"I guess, sure, I'll call them." Yoongi smiled and nodded.

Walking downstairs Jin texted Namjoon while Yoongi texted his friends.

"Hey do you think Hoseok could ever change his mind about me, you changed your mind about Namjoon?"

"Look Yoongi I don't know, I don't even know if I approve of him yet, but I do know this if he ever, I mean ever hurts you I will never forgive him."

"Jin, I don't--" the doorbell rang interrupting Yoongi. "Must be Jungkook, I'll get it."

Yoongi opened the door to a smiley Jungkook alongside Tae?

"Um, why are you two together? And where is Jimin?" Yoongi let them in.

"Look Yoongi it's not what you think, I just had to talk to him about Jimin and you happened to call while I was still with him, Jimin is still at his house probably on his way, I told him he didn't have to pick me up." Tae frantically explained.

"Ok ok I got it, you don't need to freak out. Do you guys want anything?" Yoongi laughed.

"Uhm I'll take water." Jungkook smiled nervously.

"Me too." Tae said glancing over at Jungkook as Yoongi walked away. "Look you cannot tell anyone about what we did, it was an accident and it'll never happen again, me and you? Not a thing and never will be."

"But..." Jungkook started.

"We will never speak of this ever again. It NEVER happened. Got it?" Jungkook nodded as Yoongi walked over with the water.

"So Jimin texted me he said he couldn't come anymore, something about an audition??" Yoongi said in confusion. "There isn't any dance competition coming up, if there was I probably would've heard. Don't you think?" Yoongi stared Tae down, giving up Tae grabbed Yoongi and led him to another room.

"Fine fine I'll tell you, he's having an acting audition, he didn't want to tell you about it and he thought he could cover it by saying it was a dance audition."

"But why wouldn't he want to tell me?" Yoongi confused tried to pry more information out of Tae.

"Look Yoongi I don't really know he didn't really tell me either, besides he says it's none of your---" the doorbell rang. Jin walked to the door and opened it, there stood Namjoon and Hoseok.

"We will talk about this later." They walked back to the living room.

"Well, since everyone is here now I think we shall go now." Jin giggled.

"Hey where's that short kid?" Hoseok asked sitting down next to Yoongi.

"He can't come," Yoongi whispered. "Anyways bye guys~ have an amazing date!" Jin and Namjoon blushed as they walked out the door. "Well I think we can go to my room now."

They all walked up the stairs into Yoongi's room.

"Hey Yoongi, Namjoon told me you produce songs?" Yoongi hummed. "Well I have a dance competition coming up and I was wondering maybe you can produce a song and I can dance to it?"

"I would love to, but don't you have those 'gang' activities you still have to do?" Yoongi asked.

"Um, what? Did I just hear that correct???" Jungkook asked shocked.

"Yeah but I can fit it in somehow, I could come around whenever you're free, it's not like I go to school. And yes I'm in a gang and? Is that a problem?" Hoseok smirked.

"No, no of course not, just that that's dangerous, Yoongi what are you doing hanging around these kinds of people, I'm guessing Namjoon is one too???" Jungkook screeched.

"Look if you have a problem, the door is right there, you know you can leave?" Hoseok pointed to the door.

"Do you think the kids will be okay, I mean they are alone after all." Jin asked nervously biting his nails.

Namjoon took Jin's hand away from his mouth and interlocked their fingers. "They'll be fine, don't worry." Namjoon smiles warmly.

"Alright I believe you, now tell me where we are going? I really want to know, we have been driving forever." Jin groaned with a smile.

"Hey! it hasn't been that long, but you'll see when we get there." Namjoon smirked.

They went to the outskirts of the city, you could see the stars sparkling brightly.

"Woah, it's so beautiful, I've never been here before." Jin looked at Namjoon with awe.

"I thought you might like it, but the most beautiful most bright star is right here. In front of me." Jin blushed smacking Namjoon lightly on the arm.

"You are so damn cheesy."

"But you love it don't you?" Jin nodded kissing Namjoon.

They sat there looking at the stars forgetting all about the little trouble makers they left at home.

hi guys, it's me again. I hope you like this and I will truly try to update this as much as I can. I enjoy the way I write better than I did before, I hope you also enjoy and see how much I improved in 2-3 years. Please ignore their ages, I think it will be too much work going back to change them since a lot of you already read the first parts but them being around 18 is much better, if you all want I can actually go back and change that.
Also if you want to talk or something just text me on IG (it's in my profile) I hope you all like this, have a wonderful day~!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2018 ⏰

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