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Yoongi didn't think it would be much of a walk, they were neighbors anyways, but he was wrong it was 5 minutes to get to his nieghbors house. Back at home it took like 10 seconds to get to his neighbors house, but they did live in a bigger house now anyways. When he got there he saw that the house was a bit bigger than his own and the front yard was full of flowers and trees but it wasn't very long, and he saw a boy sitting there motionless unlike when he saw him earlier. Yoongi didn't know if he should say anything or go back home but he decided to say hello.

"Hello!" Yoongi waved.

"Huh?" The boy turned around. "You scared me."

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to I just wanted to say hi, I moved in a few minutes ago, and I was unpacking and I saw you." He explained.

"Oh I see, hello my name is Jungkook, what's your name?"

"My name is Yoongi." He smiled, usually Yoongi hated making friends and that's why he only had Taehyung and Jimin, but since he was going to live next door to him he decided he might as well try to make friends with him. He seemed younger than Yoongi but by like a year only.

"We probably go to the same school, how come I haven't seen you around?" Yoongi asked.

"Well you see I don't go around telling everybody who I am." Jungkook said, Yoongi laughed.

"Want to be friends." Jungkook asked shyly.

"Sure," Yoongi smiled, "but if you ever want to come over when my brother is at work then you will have to go meet him yourself." Jungkook laughed.

"Is your brother the overprotective type?" Jungkook laughed again.

"Yup, how old are you anyways? You seem younger than me." Yoongi asked.

"I'm 13 and you?" Jungkook responded.

"I'm 14, call me Hyung if you want." Yoongi said.

"No way you're shorter than me," Jungkook laughed, "and paler too."

"Hey! Well my friends don't call me Hyung either so then just call me Yoongi or SUGA." He said.

"SUGA, hmm okay!" Jungkook grinned, "I have to go now, it looks like it's about to rain and I don't have a rain coat." They felt raindrops on their arms.

"Okay bye," He waved, "I have to go too." Jungkook waved back.

"See you around."


Jin walked into the living room and saw his brother on the couch.

"Hey, did you have fun?" Jin asked.

"We didn't do anything, all we did was talk."

"What's the boy's name?"

"His name is Jungkook, he's younger than me but taller than me just like Taehyung." He frowned.

"Good thing Jimin is not taller than you." Jin laughed.

"Hyung when are you going to find yourself a girlfriend or a boyfriend, you seem so lonely." Yoongi questioned.

"When I do, now don't worry about me and worry about yourself." Answered Jin patting his brothers back.

"What if when I do find someone special and we love each other very much but we can't be together because of good reasons, what will I do then?" Yoongi frowned, just the thought of not being able to be with someone he loved so much made his heart hurt.

"I don't know what to tell you," Jin patted his brother back, "I'm going to go make dinner now alright." He walked into the kitchen turning on the lights.

"HYUNG!" Yoongi yelled, "COME QUICK!"

Jin ran as fast as he could into the living room. "WHAT HAPPENED!"

"Nothing." Yoongi snickered earning a smack to his head.

"YAH! Don't scare me like that! I thought something real--" Jin half yelled but stopped when he saw Yoongi rubbing his head and eyes watery, he hugged Yoongi tight.

"I'm sorry Yoongi," he rubbed his back, "I didn't mean it to hurt you that bad." He kept on rubbing his back until he heard another snicker.

"Ha ha! You should've seen your face when I pretended to cry," Yoongi laughed. "You looked like you killed someone and didnt mean to." Yoongi laughed harder earning yet another smack to the head.

"Yoongi stop, don't scare me like that, it's not funny." Jin said leaving to go to the kitchen again. "I'm going to make dinner now, go do whatever you want." Yoongi hugged his brother.

"I'm sorry Hyung I didn't mean to scare you like that." Jin pulled Yoongi away acting mad.

"I'm really sorry Hyung I didn't mean to." He went in to hug his brother again.

"If you really are sorry then write me an apology song." Jin said getting out all the ingredients.

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