Thursday: July 12, 2012

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{Thursday, July 12, 2012}

Waking up at 11am on Thursday with her dry cotton mouthed tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth; Marin rolled over alone in the center of her king sized bed feeling like death.  Being hung over for the fourth morning in a row was soooo outside of the norm for Marin that she had the shakes from dehydration and it felt like her entire body had a migraine.  Thank god Belinda and the girls are leaving for home today Marin thought before reaching her hand over to grab the water bottle on the nightstand that she hadn’t finished when she’d stumbled in at 5am this morning with the drunken spins and grabbed it from the minibar chugging half of it before face planting and passing out in bed. Marin sat up slowly, grabbed the two Advil she had placed on the nightstand yesterday in preparation for today’s hangover, popped them into her mouth, and drank the remaining half of the water as if it was the last water on Earth.  Laying back down, snuggling into the covers once again, Marin decided to wait for the meds to kick in so she could feel human again before she went to see her friends off to the airport.

At 2pm, feeling only mildly alive but dressed in a sky blue sundress, white flops, and wearing her favorite aviators, Marin met the girls outside the hotel lobby as they were all putting luggage into the taxi van for the trip to the airport.  “Marin” Belinda said running up and hugging her tight, “You look better than I thought you would after all those shots we forced on you last night.  Why do you want to stay in Vegas of all places… alone for the next 4 days? You know I think it’s unsafe and I’m really worried to leave you here.”

“Belinda, you know that I haven’t taken a vacation since that senior week trip to Cabo we took after high school, then I went off to college, met ‘Mark the Jerk’, had the awful break up with ‘Mark the Jerk’ a year later, graduated college, and now with starting my new job at the library…. I’ve earned this trip! Plus honey, it would be just too expensive for me to waste money flying off to another place for the last days of my time off work. Since I had to come here anyway for my favorite girl’s big bachelorette blowout, why not stay and relax in the spas, the pool, shop, and maybe catch a show. After all, I DO still need to find some amazingly overpriced heels to go with the glorious dress my bestie is allowing me to catwalk down the aisle at her wedding next month. How could I afford them if I jet set off to somewhere else” Marin teased her friend. 

“Joke all you want Marin, but I still don’t feel ok about all this. Maybe I should just change my flight and stay with you. I know David wanted me back so we could finalize some wedding stuff, but I just don’t feel right about this.” Belinda said.  Marin gave her friend an exasperated look as if they had been over this a thousand times this week already. “Belinda, I will be just fine. I’m 25 years old going on 85 if what you tell me all the time is true. The only thing I am missing is a bunch of cats back home to cuddle with as I sit home at night reading and drinking my evening glass of Pinot Noir. That isn’t much of a turn on to these Vegas types you know. I’ll be just fine, really. Don’t you worry, I’m not going to go out clubbing now that you partying lot are leaving. I don’t gamble. I don’t suffer fools. You can call me on my cell as soon as you get back home.  Don’t forget the time difference though Belinda, you know I hate being woken up in the middle of the night, because I always think it’s something bad like someone dying. I’ll see you on Monday at the airport. You are still picking me up at 10am right?”  

“Yes, of course I’m still picking you up Marin. Shit girl, I’ll be a nervous wreck till I seeing you dragging your ugly ass old green suitcase out of that terminal.  You had better damn well keep that phone on and charged the whole time so I can call you. Ok?” Belinda said and then she kissed Marin’s cheek goodbye and she and the other girls left in the taxi van while Marin stood waving at the curb.

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