Chapter 15 - Sirius Black

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Dedicated to scribbledribble5

They all froze, their minds wiped blank. None of them turned to look, but Hermione could guess what was happening. The unbearable silence was broken by Hagrid, who started moaning like a wounded animal
"Hagrid," Harry murmured, starting to turn back. Hermione and Ron grabbed his arms
"We can't" said Ron, though he sounded like he wanted to "He'll be in worse trouble if they know we've been to see him..."
Hermione started hyperventilating as she held back tears
"How - could - they?" she whispered "How could they?"
"Come on" said Ron through gritted teeth

They continued to walk up the hill in silence. Ron was trying to force Scabbers back into his pocket and stopped
"Scabbers, keep still," Ron whispered urgently "What's the matter with you, You stupid rat? Stay still - OUCH! He bit me!"
"Ron, be quiet!" Hermione hissed "Fudge'll be out here in a minute-"
"He won't - stay - put-"
Scabbers gave another terrified squeak
"What's the matter with him?"

Just then, Hermione noticed the cause. Slowly creeping out of the shadows was Crookshanks
"Crookshanks!" Hermione hissed "No, go away, Crookshanks! Go away!"
"Scabbers - NO!"
Scabbers dived out of Ron's grip and scurried off. Ron ran from under the cloak and hurled after the rat
"Ron!" Hermione shouted

It was impossible to run fast under the cloak so Hermione and Harry left the cloak where it was and ran after Ron. Up ahead they could hear him yelling at Crookshanks, who had chased after Scabbers
"Get away from him - get away - Scabbers, come here - Gotcha! Get off, you stinking cat-"
Ron stopped so suddenly that Hermione almost tripped over him. He was sitting on the floor, trying to put the rat back in his pocket
"Ron - come on back under the cloak-" Hermione pleaded "Dumbledore - the Minister - they'll be coming back out in a minute-"

A sudden sound made Hermione look up. A huge dog had appeared, as suddenly as if it had climbed out of the tree they were under

Harry got out his wand but before he could do anything the dog bounded towards him and bowled him over. The dog landed just behind Harry and, for some reason, set its sights towards Ron, who was now on his feet. Before Hermione could stop it, the dog had leapt at Ron and it's huge jaw had grabbed his arm. It started dragging Ron away. Hermione ran after it, but it was impossible to see it properly in the dark

Suddenly, something hit Hermione's shoulder and blasted her backwards. She saw Harry fall back too
"Lumos!" Harry said, and his wand lit up. Hermione could finally see where they were. They were by the Whomping Willow, and it's branches were flailing around, simultaneously trying to keep her and Harry away and trying to hit Ron, who was being dragged into a tunnel under the tree by the dog

"Ron!" Harry bellowed. Hermione tried to follow but the tree kept forcing her back. Ron hooked his foot onto a root in an attempt to stop the dog, but there was a sickening CRACK as his leg broke and Ron disappeared
"Harry - we've got to go for help-" Hermione exclaimed
"No! That thing's big enough to eat him; we haven't got time-" said Harry. He had sustained a head injury which explained his odd choices
"Harry" said Hermione "we're never going to get through without help-"
"If that dog can get in, we can" said Harry firmly, darting this was and that, trying to find an opening
"Oh, help, help," Hermione pleaded to the world in general "Please..."

Crookshanks, who Hermione had forgotten was even there, walked over to the tree trunk and pressed a knot of roots with his paw. The tree suddenly froze, and the branches stopped mid-swing
"Crookshanks!" Hermione exclaimed "How did he know-?"
"He's friends with that dog" said Harry "I've seen them together. Come on - and keep your wand out-"
They ran over to the gap in the roots where the tunnel was. Crookshanks slid down it, followed by Harry. Hermione lit up her wand before following

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