Chapter 8 - Page 394

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The Gryffindor's were led into the Great Hall, and were followed a few minutes later by very confused looking Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaw's and Slytherin's. When everyone had arrived, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick shut all the doors

"The teachers and I need to conduct a thorough search of the castle" said Professor Dumbledore "I'm afraid that, for your own safety, you will have to spend the night here. I want the prefects to stand guard over the entrances to the hall and I am leaving the Head Boy and Girl in charge. Any disturbance should be reported to me immediately" he said to a very proud looking Percy "Send word with one of the ghosts"

Professor Dumbledore turned to leave, said "Oh, yes, you'll be needing..." and waved his hand. The four long tables were sent flying to the edge of the hall and hundreds of purple sleeping bags appeared on the ground
"Sleep well" said Professor Dumbledore, as he left and shut the final set of doors behind him

Noise exploded in the hall as the Gryffindor's told everyone else what had happened
"Everyone into their sleeping bags!" bellowed Percy "Come on, now, no more talking! Lights out in ten minutes!"
"C'mon" Ron said to Hermione, and both of them and Harry grabbed three sleeping bags and took them into the corner
"Do you think Black's still in the castle?" Hermione whispered nervously
"Dumbledore obviously thinks he might be" said Ron anxiously
"It's very lucky he picked tonight, you know" said Hermione, climbing into her sleeping bag "The one night we weren't in the tower..."
I reckon he's lost track of time, being on the run" said Ron "Didn't realize it was Halloween. Otherwise he'd have come bursting in here"
Hermione shivered. Ron smiled reassuringly at her, but for once it didn't really help

Everyone around them all had one thing on their minds: "How did he get in?"
"Maybe he knows how to Apparate" suggested Anthony Goldstien, a Ravenclaw in Hermione's Arithmancy class "Just appear out of thin air, you know"
"Disguised himself, probably" said a Hufflepuff much older than Hermione
"He could've flown in" said Dean Thomas.
"Honestly, am I the only person who's ever bothered to read Hogwarts, A History?" said Hermione irritably
"Probably" said Ron "Why?"
"Because the castle's protected by more than walls, You know" she said "There are all sorts of enchantments on it, to stop people entering by stealth. You can't just Apparate in here. And I'd like to see the disguise that could fool those dementors. They're guarding every single entrance to the grounds. They'd have seen him fly in too. And Fitch knows all the secret passages, they'll have them covered..."
"The lights are going out now!" Percy said "I want everyone in their sleeping bags and no more talking!"
All the lights went out at once, and the students were forced to settle down

The hall was silent, and no one moved except Percy, Penelope Clearwater, who was now head girl, and the ghosts, who were walking through rows of sleeping students checking for people talking. About every hour or so, a teacher would come in to check that everything was calm

Hermione twisted and turned, trying to get to sleep, but it was futile. She kept thinking about what would've happened if Black had got the date right. She felt someone nudge her and turned to see Ron watching her
"Are you okay?" he mouthed, as Percy was nearby. Hermione nodded and attempted a smile. She didn't want Ron to think she was worrying over nothing

Just then, the door opened again and Professor Dumbledore walked into the hall. He spotted Percy and Strode over to him, and Hermione and Ron were forced to fake sleep in order to eavesdrop
"Any sign of him, Professor?" Percy whispered
"No. All well here?"
"Everything under control, sir"
"Good" said Professor Dumbledore "There's no point moving them all now. I've found a temporary guardian for the Gryffindor portrait hole. You'll be able to move them back in tomorrow"
"And the Fat Lady, sir?"
"Hiding in a map of Argyllshire on the second floor. Apparently she refused to let Black in without the password, so he attacked. She's still very distressed, but once she's calmed down, I'll have Mr. Filch restore her"

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