He knew

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Derek laid in bed trying to ignore the fact that Stiles was across the hall with Dominic. Derek was glad he had all the rooms soundproofed. He didn't want to know what Stiles was doing.

Just then there was a knock on his door. Derek climbed off his bed and opened the door to see Lydia.

"We need to talk." Lydia said pushing Derek back and closing the door behind her.

"What do we need to talk about at one a.m.?" Derek grumbled.

"Why didn't you tell me you have feelings for Stiles?" Lydia snapped.

"Lydia, can we not do this right now?" Derek sighed.

"Theo told me a few minutes ago. How could you not say anything?" Lydia pouted ignoring Derek's request.

"I wasn't exactly advertising it. You can't really keep secrets from a werewolf." Derek huffed.

"He said Stiles doesn't feel the same way though. I find that hard to believe. You two are made for each other. I've always thought so. I just didn't think you had feelings for him. You don't act like it." Lydia rambled.

Derek rubbed his face. "Like I said I wasn't advertising it. And no, Stiles doesn't feel the same way. And Lydia, So help me if you tell him-"

"Oh calm your wolf, I'm not saying a word. I just feel bad for setting him up with Dominic." Lydia cut Derek off.

"Yeah, could you have picked a bigger asshole?" Derek growled.

"Honestly, he reminded me of you, that's why I think they work so well

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"Honestly, he reminded me of you, that's why I think they work so well." Lydia shrugged.

"Well I don't like him." Derek grumbled.

"Of course not, he's not you. Look I'm not going to say anything but maybe you should." Lydia shrugged.

"He barely tolerates me and our relationship is strained enough, I'm not telling him." Derek shook his head.

"Well I'm sorry about Dominic." Lydia sighed.

Derek flopped back on his bed as Lydia left. Why did he have to feel this way. Things were a lot simpler before he had feelings for Stiles.


Stiles slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Dominic. He slid on a pair of sweatpants and made his way quietly down stairs. He walked into the kitchen to find Derek already awake.

"Oh, morning, Derek." Stiles mumbled around a yawn.

Derek looked up to see a sleepy half naked Stiles in front of him. Derek's eyes lingered on the gorgeous boy.

"You're up early." Derek commented forcing his eyes away from the druid and to the cup of coffee in his hands.

"So are you." Stiles smirked.

"Want a cup?" Derek asked holding up his mug?

"I'm sorry, is Derek Hale offering to make me coffee?" Stiles smirked.

Derek rolled his eyes. "Do you or not?"

"Yes please." Stiles grinned taking a seat at the island.

"So you don't like Dominic do you?" Stiles asked as he watched Derek make his coffee.

"Not even a little bit." Derek answered not looking at Stiles.

"He doesn't like you much either." Stiles chuckled.

"He's not good enough for you." Derek growled.

"Typical big brother talk." Stiles grinned.

Derek grit his teeth but didn't respond.

"He's intimidated by you. He thinks you're gonna try and steal me from him." Stiles snickered. "I assured him there was no universe where you had any kind of romantic feelings for me."

Derek squeezed his eyes shut as Lydia's voice popped into his head.  'I'm not going to say anything but maybe you should.'

"You act like that's some ridiculous notion." Derek said suddenly.

"Because it is." Stiles scoffed. "You're Greek god, Derek Hale. I'm a hundred and fourty pounds of pale skin and fragile bones. Nothing about that says match made in heaven. Hell I'm still questioning how I managed to get Dominic to sleep with me."

Derek gripped the counter. Stiles had just confirmed what Derek had been afraid of.

"Derek? You okay?" Stiles asked when Derek didn't move or respond.

"You don't give yourself enough credit Stiles." Derek growled trying to keep his cool. He handed Stiles his coffee.

"Wow, you know exactly how I like my coffee." Stiles smiled as he swallowed the warm liquid.

Of course he knew how Stiles liked his coffee with one cream and two sugars. He also knew Stiles didn't like pickles on his burgers. And he drank a large glass of milk when they had pasta for dinner. He knew Stiles' favorite chocolate was Reeses but that he hated Reeses pieces and that Stiles always listened to All Time Low in the shower. He knew that on the anniversary of his mom's death instead of flowers he buys bird seed and sprinkles it on his mom's grave cause she loved to feed the birds every morning. He knows he says a prayer every morning and night for his dad's safety. Derek knows all of this because he is head over heels in love with Stiles.

"Hey, Der, you okay?" Stiles put a gentle hand on Derek's.

Derek looked up not realizing he'd been gripping his own mug so hard he cracked the handle.

Derek let go of the cup and pulled away from Stiles' touch.

"Derek, what's wrong?" Stiles frowned his tone full of concern.

"Stiles, I...I'm..." Derek sighed, he could tell him right now how he felt.

"Morning babe." Dominic said walking into the kitchen wearing Stiles' t shirt.

"Hey, beautiful." Stiles leaned up to meet Dominic's lips with his.

Derek dropped his eyes.

"You were saying Derek?" Stiles asked turning to the werewolf.

Derek looked up his eyes meeting Stiles'.


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"Nothing." Derek shook his head before dumping his cup in the sink and walking out.

"Derek, wait." Stiles hurried after Derek catching up with him at the bottom of the stairs.

"What were you gonna say?" Stiles asked holding onto Derek's arm.

Derek shook his head. "I'm gonna try and get some more sleep. If the others ask, I didn't sleep well."

Stiles frowned as Derek hurried upstairs before Stiles could push it. Derek knew Stiles would ask why he didn't sleep well and try to get Derek to talk about what was bothering him. It was one of the things Derek loved so much about Stiles. He was a genuinely caring person.

Poor Derek once again...

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