I'm used to it

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Derek sat at the table he used for pack meetings as he watched the group of misfit teenagers eating pizza on his living room floor.

"Hey Sourwolf, you gonna join us or you gonna sit over there and pout?" Stiles asked looking up at Derek.

Derek glared at Stiles but didn't respond. Stiles knew how much Derek hated it when he called him that.

He raised a brow as Stiles took Theo's plate to the trash. He'd noticed Stiles was doing everything for Theo. He got him a napkin, a drink, he even made his plate for him, yet Theo didn't seem to care much. Other than a simple thanks he didn't respond.

"Can we just go back to being the way we were before please? Stiles asked suddenly across the table from Derek.

Derek frowned at Stiles. "What were we before? Huh?" Derek snapped.

"Just two people who tolerate each other for the sake of the pack

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"Just two people who tolerate each other for the sake of the pack." Stiles answered.

"Nothing's changed."Derek said flatly.

"I have." Stiles said flashing his eyes.

Derek turned back to the book he'd been looking through not wanting to start another fight.

"What are you doing over here anyway?" Stiles asked looking at the books that were spread before Derek.

"Deaton and I are trying to figure out what kind of druid you are." Derek answered.

Before Stiles could respond Derek spoke again.

"How are things going with Theo?"

Stiles frowned looking over his shoulder at the brunette.

"It's different. He's quieter than I imagined he'd be. We've never hung out outside of class before." Stiles answered turning back to Derek.

"You really like him don't you? Derek commented.

"No." Stiles sighed. "I love him."

Derek looked up from his book. His eyes meeting Stiles'.

"Don't give me that look." Stiles shook his head.

"What look?" Derek asked innocently.

"That sympathetic 'he's not interested' look." Stiles answered. "I'm used to it, alright?"

Derek raised a brow as if asking Stiles to elaborate.

"Trevor was into Danny. Brandon was dating Jason. And Ryan was in love with Jackson. I even dated this guy, Shawn, that tried to make out with Scott. Turns out that's the only reason he dated me in the first place." Stiles shrugged as if it was no big deal.

Derek frowned, he felt bad for Stiles. Despite his calm exterior he hurt and Derek could tell.

"So did Theo really pull me out of whatever the hell I was in?" Stiles asked changing the subject obviously uncomfortable with the previous one.

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