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Deaton smiled as he heard the familiar bell of his front door.

"Stiles, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Deaton asked not looking up from the herbs he was putting away.

"The mountain ash you gave me. I didn't have enough. But then I remembered what you told me, I had to believe." Stiles was pacing behind the veterinarian.

"And did you?" Deaton asked though he already knew.

"Yeah, I did."

"Good, then it worked." Deaton smiled to himself. He knew there was something special about Stiles.

"But I don't understand it." Stiles huffed.

"I was missing like four feet of dust but I made it reach with just a small handful. How?" Stiles asked frowning.

'The fact that you're here asking me that question makes me think you already know the answer." Deaton said turning to face Stiles.

"No, I can't be." Stiles shook his head dismissing the idea.

"There has to be another explanation." Stiles frowned.

"There doesn't and there isn't." Deaton shook his head.

"Stiles, haven't you ever wondered why you are so in tune with the supernatural. Why it's drawn to you?  Scott, Derek, Jackson, Lydia...they always call you first. When Scott's in trouble he calls you, when Derek's in trouble you're there. When Jackson needs answers he asks you. When Lydia is drawn to dead bodies she calls you. You're their support. Without you they'd fall apart." 

Stiles processed what Deaton was saying.

"But I'm not magical." Stiles insists.

"You have the spark. You said yourself you made a handful of ash reach over four feet." Deaton smiled.

"You knew." Stiles guessed by the smile Deaton refused to remove.

"I had my suspicions." Deaton nodded.

"I can teach you."

"I-I don't know. I'm more of a planning kind of guy." Stiles was still frowning.

"Think on it." Deaton gave a curt nod, his smile not faltering.

"Yeah, I'll definitely be thinking." Stiles said making his way to the door.

"Oh and Stiles, I'd keep this quiet. If someone catches wind of a potential emissary, you'll have alphas from all over knocking on your door, and they won't be nearly as nice as Derek." Deaton's smile turned to a frown.

"As nice as Derek? That guy's a dick." Stiles scoffed.

"Then you can imagine my concern." Deaton nodded.

"My lips are sealed." Stiles gave a thumbs up before heading out.

Deaton knew Derek needed to know about Stiles' potential, after all he was in desperate need of an emissary.

Just a taste. Hope you liked it. 😊

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