Breakfast & Werewolves

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A/N: 11,000+ reads?! I can't thank everyone enough for this! I didn't think this fanfic would go that far, and to see it take off is truly amazing. I want to thank each and everyone of you. Without you, this fanfic would have died long ago. So thank you for giving me the privilege of having such a wonderful audience and loyal readers! Trust me when I say, you make my life and writing worth while.

"Cold bones. Yeah, that's my love. (He) hides away, like a ghost. Does (he) know that we bleed the same? Don't wanna cry, but I break that way. Cold sheets... Oh, where's my love?" - Where's My Love by SYML


With the dreadful screech of my fork being scrapped across my plate, I glared down at the yolk as it spread onto all of my other food.

"Fuck this," I mumbled, standing.

I tucked my chair back under to table and angrily tossed my breakfast into the trashcan. I had made eggs, bacon and toast as the sun rose, trying to at least make up for my shitty night. They always say that a good breakfast can help get your day off to a great start, like a single meal could fix all of my life's problems. Yeah, right. And I'm a werewolf. Ahwoo.

Ambling to the kitchen, I set my plate down on the counter. I pressed my hands into the metal lip of the sink, staring down at the dirty dishes.

Things just weren't adding up in my mind, and I couldn't think straight. I wasn't about to lie to myself: I was a wreck, through and through. I couldn't understand how people could deal with me, let alone love me. Somehow, my existence seemed to be a hindrance rather than beneficial...

There was a few light taps nearby causing my head to snap up.

"Hey, are you alright?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I think so."

Aaron came across the room in swift steps, his pajama pants brushing the tile floor with each step he took. "Did you sleep?" He asked, resting a hand on my arm. The tension in my muscles immediately melted once his fingers brushed my skin.

"I didn't," I said quietly.

"I didn't either," he offered a false smile. "I was awake, worrying."

"Me too...but why are you up? You should be trying to get some rest."

Aaron silently coaxed me to lean my head on his chest. "I wanted to check on you." Warmth spread throughout my body when his hands slid to the space just above my hips. I heard his heart thumping gently against his rib cage. It was all a soothing lullaby - I could practically collapse in his arms and sleep peacefully, but during the remainder of my restless night, I had been too afraid to ask Aaron for his company in my bed. "Come on."

His fingers found mine within seconds, and he began leading me out of the kitchen.

So much for breakfast and a pointless discussion about werewolves.

I followed like a loyal (wolf) dog lead by a leash, and each footstep became more of a challenge. I was tired. So tired. Sleep deprivation was such an ass. You could be operating decently one moment, and the next, you were crashing worse than someone who was supplementing with a good 'ol energy drink on a long road trip.

We came to a stop at his door, and he turned to me. His hands slid down to my knees as he bent and gently took me into his arms, bridal style. I was too exhausted to resist or question him as he shut the door with his foot, carrying me with ease to his side of the bed.

"I made breakfast," I muttered sleepily as he tugged his duvet over me.

He gave a half smile and shook his head. "Thank you, Em. But you're needs are more important to me than my own, especially since you haven't slept well in weeks." I opened my mouth to object but he placed his finger over my lips, quieting me. "It can be reheated, love."

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