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Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long since I've written anything, I've just been busy and maybe sorta kinda have forgotten about this. But let your worries be put to rest, I'm still going! Thanks for telling me that you want me to continue the series. You guys are great!


I didn't find a book on basketball, so I headed to my room. Some of the other girls were talking and laughing. One girl was hanging from the ceiling by her feet. I gave them a small smile as I flopped down onto my bed. Grabbing a book from atop my dresser, I flipped open to the first page of The Scarlet Letter and began reading. Soon the talking of the girls grew to a raucous of laughter and giggles, and a throbbing headache followed.

I set my book down on my stomach. "Will you girl's-" 

There was a sudden knock on the door. Grudgingly, I rose from my bed and opened it up. Warren stood in the doorway, adjusting his bracers. 

As much as I tried to push my mind away from the fact that they were leaving, I couldn't.

"Hey," I spoke casually, leaning against the door frame.

"Hey yourself," he said while smiling. 

"So, when are you leaving?"

He sighed and folded his arms, giving me an apologetic look. "Right now actually. I came to say goodbye."

I nodded grimly and inhaled and exhaled loudly. "Well, goodbye."

He raised an eyebrow and peered his head around the doorway, glancing at the girls who were now jumping on the beds.

"You don't mind if I take Daniella for a minute, do you girls?" As he said this, he gave them his famous full toothed grin. I rolled my eyes.

They giggled and shook their heads. He winked as he grabbed for the door and closed it.

"Do you always have to do that?"

"What?" he asked innocently.

"Be so...charming."

"Charming comes with the package love. Let's head downstairs so you can say goodbye to everyone. Plus I think Ororo is going to give you the whole rundown of how to keep this place under control."

I nodded bitterly and followed in suit down the stairs and into the foyar. Ororo nodded her head in a greeting as the others talked to one another. All except for Logan, who was sitting on the stairs, looking sceptic, weary, and stern as usual. 

"Daniella, good to see you. Okay, since most of the professors are going to be gone, school will be cancelled until we get back."

Around the house, I could whoops and hollers. Someone was eavesdropping on us.

I nodded.

"Don't let them invade our food supply, you know how it is...going to the grocery store and all. And everyone may have outdoor activities for a few hours a day, and lights out is at eleven."

"You do realize I'm tending to a whole mansion of kids with mutant powers that could otherwise kick me out and go rampant if they wish."

Ororo winked. "Don't worry, they know better. But just in case, talk to Santana on the third floor, she'll know how to sort them out. Now, for the briefing. We're all going to head to the capital of New Zealand and head out individually from there."

"Why is this so important?" Logan asked. "Why do we have to head to a different country all the way across the Earth just to calm down a few mutants?"

X-Men: Eternal Flight (Book Three) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now