November 2012

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Welcome to my new book, this is my journey through Cancer


Dear Diary,

                         I've wanted to do this for a while now but I only remember the day very clearly, the days after it is still kind of a blur so this diary is going to be short, long and maybe emotional but I do have one rule no tears are allowed to get on the paper anyway let's start.

12 November 2012 (a day I wish never happened)

Of course, I had been ill for a couple of days now but the GP just said 'Oh it's a virus just take paracetamol and you'll be fine in a couple of days'

Shame that was all a lie hey!

It was Monday morning on the twelve of November, mum had woken me up to go school when she noticed my eye was swollen and there was a rash on my legs so she decided to play it safe and call the GP surgery to get me checked out and we received an appointment at 12:30pm the same day.

By the time 12:30 had come my eye had gone down but my rash was still there so off we went to the doctors, when we finally seen the GP he asked me what was wrong so I told him and the he asked me to get on to those slightly hard bed so he could examine me by feeling my neck, my stomach. Once he did that he told me to go and sit back down which I was happy about because my mum was standing behind me. The doctor told us I had to go in an ambulance to Warwick hospital for test and it was going to be an over-night stay. Immodestly the tears streamed down my face (I was only 12) because I've never stayed in the hospital overnight.

On the way home (that's where the ambulance was going to pick us up from) my mum phoned my dad up and told him what the doctor said, and he said he was going to leave work straight away and meet us at the hospital because he was working in Hastings and it would take him two hours to get back. Mum finished talking to my dad, then she phoned our next-door neighbour (who used to be a good friend) because mum needed her to have my little brother (he was 2 years old) and pick up my other little brother (who was 9 years old) from school.

Once we arrived home mum made Devlin and me lunch (which I didn't eat) because I was scared. After lunch mum went and packed me a bag for the hospital, then she packed a diaper bag for my little brother.

It seemed like hours waiting for the ambulance to come but, it was only half hour. When the ambulance finally came I was relieved because it meant we could go to the hospital and get sorted. Mum took Devlin next door, came back, and locked up and then climbed in the back of the ambulance with the paramedics and me. They took my blood pressure, temperature and asked mum questions before we left.

We made it to Warwick hospital about 2pm and I was wheeled in on a stretcher to the children's ward and then one paramedic went and booked me in while the other one wheeled me to the bed and helped us get sorted. Before leaving, a nurse came over to us and had taken my temperature and blood pressure again (telling us her name is Kelly and she'll be looking after me) and while Kelly went off to get numbing cream because I needed to have blood tests done, Mum's phone rang and it was Arlo's school saying he was ill and needed picking up, so mum told them to call our next door neighbour to get him.

Kelly came back and put the cream on the back of my hands, she then looked at the note's the paramedics had handed over, then she put them down and looked at the rash on my legs before telling us we must move to a side room (because they thought I had meningitis). Kelly came back half hour later (when we were in the side room) and nicked some of my blood to send off which she did.

Whilst we waited for the results a doctor came in and took my temperature, checked my blood pressure, felt my belly, felt my neck, and looked at the rash on my legs before he left but he came back 15 minutes later with another doctor that did exactly the same thing.

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