Chapter 5

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I look out into the crowd and realize what I've just done. I just broke up with my girlfriend for a guy. A GUY! I don't know, he just makes me feel special even though we hardly ever speak. But when we do, it makes my heart flutter. We have some classes together back home but I don't think he's ever noticed me. But now I'll definitely be remembered. I mean, a performance and a declaration of love from two volunteers. What more could they possibly want? I'm stuck in my thoughts amout Harry when Ceasar asks me my next question.

"So... Umm... How long have you felt this way about Harry?" He asks, still baffled by what I said.

"I guess I realized that I was in love with Harry in the first grade. It was in music class when the teacher asked if anybody knew our district anthem 'A Thousand Miles' by heart and Harry's hand shot straight up. I noticed how perfect his singing voice was mixed with his perfect head of curls and that made me realize that I loved him. But I didn't want to be made fun of so I just kept it to myself and used Eleanor as a cover up. Eleanor, if you're still watching this, I just want you to know that I'm sorry for using you. I just wanted to seem normal. But then again, this is as far from normal. So, Ceasar, I guess the answer to your question is first grade." I explained. I looked over my shoulder to the end of the stage and Harry, Zayn, and Portia were standing there, jaws to the floor. Ceasar was wiping tears from his eyes when the buzzer went off.

"Wow. Just... Wow!" Ceasar said, "Let's give a standing ovation to Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles, the boys in love!"  The crowd goes wild as me and Harry grabbed each other's hands and took a bow. We walk off the stage and into the elevator. We go upairs to my room when I notice something. Harry followed me into my room.

"Harry, I'm sorry for what I did out there. I just needed to get that off of my chest. And I totally understand if you don't feel the same w-" My voice is cut off by something I didn't expect. Harry's lips crashing against mine. Just as I started to melt into the kiss, he pulled his face away from mine. Damn.

"I feel the same way about you too." He says with a giant grin on his face. "Plus, we can also use this to get sponsors too!" Sponsors are people who send you packages to help you during the Games. About 3 years ago, one of the sponsors sent in a set of solid gold shuriken for one of the contestants. That went down in history as the most expensive gift ever sent by a sponsor. Harry walks out the door, gives me a peck on the cheek and then makes his way back to his room.

"See you tomorrow, Lou." He says with a wink. My heart flutters again and I walk to my bed and collapse into it. I can't sleep so I just lay there. I think about me and Harry together. But I also have some nervous thoughts, like losing the Hunger Games, and if I do win, how Eleanor will probably hate my guts forever. But before I know it, Caroline is knocking on my door.

"We've got a big, big day ahead of us!" She says through my door. 

"Joke's on you! I'm already up!" I yell. I get up and put regular clothes on. Just the normal. TOMS, Red pants, a striped shirt and suspenders. I also grab my carrot coloed beanie and walk out the door. By the way, I love carrots. I could eat them all night, all day. When I walk down to the dining room where Harry, Zayn, Portia, Simon, and Caroline are already seated. A covered platter sits at the empty spot next to Harry with my name on it. I lift the cover to see the whole thing was covered in carrots/carrot related dishes. How did they know? Was it my orange "I Love Carrots" hoodie? No, that can't be it. The plates are scattered with the orange heaven sticks. Carrots, carrot cake, carrot soup, and just about anything else carrot flavored you could imagine. And to wash all of that beautiful meal down, Carrot juice. It's like I've died and went to heaven. Oh wait, that's gonna be soon. In the arena. God damn you Capitol.

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