Chapter 5

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Morning couldn't have come any sooner. I walked into the bathroom with bloodshot eyes and hair that ran in all directions. It takes me a full minute to register the sunlight streaming through the room that is not mine, then oh right I stayed over at Melanie's house.

I stetched myself twice and washed my face, almost stepping through the door when I noticed the empty unmade bed. Right, a wholefamily of early risers. I bent down to reach for my iPod, and stopped. There was a small bulge beneath the covers, rising and falling on rthym. I slowly peeled back the covers and stared in awe. At the tiny kitten nestled nicely on the pillows, with his tail around him protectively. I kneel down and quietly laid my hands on the soft caramel fur. With the real thing in front of me, it's hard not to believe that Lucas sharpe is this tiny creature sleeping soundly in front of me. 

"Purr..." A cat snoring? How wonderfully cute. A sudden knock snapped me out from my train of thoughts.

'Vincent?' Diana poked her head around the door. She laughs quietly when she noticed me kneeling on the cold wooden floor just to observe her sleeping cat/brother. ' He does that sometimes when he's cold at night,' she whispers softly, stroking his/its back gently. 

'Well breakfast starts in five minutes so see you there,' Diana says. I nod slowly and returned my gaze to the cat. What I didn't expect was the naked figure of Lucas Sharpe, now in human form, lying with his  face turned in my general direction. I reeled back and  landed with a heavy thump. Well that was close!

Instead of checking on my aching butt, I kneeled and examined Lucas Shape's face. Why, in the world would he want to hide those long lashes and a spotless face beneath those dorky glasses? Even as my gaze travelled downwards I couldn't help holding in my breath. His collarbone, his slender shoulders, everything just falls into place to make the perfect brother of my beloved girlfriend. My gaze stopped short at where the sheets covered his torso, and I felt a slow heat starting to burn within me.

Geez, what the hell is wrong with me?

Relax buddy you're just feeling amazed at the science behind a werecat.

I stood up and slowly pad over to the door and closed the door behind me softly. I let out a breath with much shame and embarassment.

I just checked out a dude. A cat dude.

The Sharpe's house looks even more cheerful in the morning. It was as if spring had decided to reside in here and left the other residences with endless winter. Even from the landing I can make out the smell of bacon and smoked sausages sizzling awaay in the pan. What better ways to enjoy a morning? Spend it with your girlfriend's family of course.

"Hey, sleepy head." Diana smiled. I wrinkled my nose at her as she closes in for a morning hug. But I stopped midway when I notice a brown cat sitting on the dining table, staring intently at the newspaper laid out in front of it. Then the cat flipped the page.  Diana followed my gaze and laughed. "That's my Dad."

Oh. "Morning Mr Shape." I said to the cat. The cat looked up and mewed at me twice, before Mrs Sharpe steps out of the kitchen and picked up the cat.

"I'm so sorry, sweetie, my husband doesn't really get along with the mornings. Oh look at you, how are you going to drink your coffee like that? You better hurry along and get changed before you're late for work again. Your patients are waiting hmm?" Mrs Sharpe gestured for us to sit as she carried her husband, the cat, out.

"So," Mr Sharpe returns with Lucas in tow, "How are you youngsters going to spend the day eh?"

"We're going to the movies and the dinner afterwards, sir" I replied. Diana grins next to me.

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