How You First Meet

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You were making your way to the roof to eat lunch. You heard that the supposedly murderous thug, Yusuke Urameshi, often hung out there but you could honestly care less. The cafeteria was too noisy for your liking and you can’t eat food in the library so the roof was the quietest place you could eat your lunch.

Besides, you and Yusuke have been friends since you were babies so you highly doubted he would ever intentionally hurt you.

You opened the door to the roof and made your way over to the edge and sat down as you began to eat.

“Well, hello to you too, (Y/N).”

You jumped at the sudden voice and turned around to see Yusuke standing there leaning against the wall.

You gave him a sheepish smile.

“Sorry, Yusuke. I wasn’t exactly paying attention to my surroundings.” You apologised.

“Eh, no biggie.” He shrugged. “Mind if I join you?”

You shook your head with a smile.

“Not at all.” You replied as he sat down beside you and the two of you spent the whole lunch time hanging out together.

(Not really when you guys first meet but, meh)


You walked into school and sighed, hoping the girls would leave you alone today. You had moved schools about a week ago and already had the attention of one of the hottest guys in school, Shuichi Minamino.

At least, that was his human name.

You knew who he really was since you’d met him as Youko Kurama in the past a few weeks before he disappeared. You two became surprisingly good friends considering you were also a thief but never considered teaming up since you preferred to work alone which he understood. You were a powerful demon on your own anyways and was fully capable of taking care of yourself.

You were surprised and greatly saddened when you heard he disappeared without telling you but you found out that he had been killed a few days later which made you feel even worse.

So, to escape the pain from the loss of a good friend you went to the human world and made a life for yourself there and you continue to do so today.

Anyways, Kurama- sorry- Shuichi was very attractive and most girls were very jealous of you since you seem to catch his eye whenever you walk by.

You were walking to your locker so you could put your stuff away when you felt a hand grab at your hair and harshly pull it causing you to turn around and see three bitchy looking girls glaring down at you.

“Um, ow?” You said as you rubbed your sore head.

What the hell was that for?

The girl closest to you scoffed.

“Don’t think we don’t know what you’re trying to do.” She hissed.

You raised an eyebrow in confusion yet slight amusement that they could get so worked up over a boy.

“Don’t play dumb with us, bitch.” The girl on her left said.

“Yeah, we know you’re trying to steal Shuichi.” The girl on her right said.

“I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about. But I think you’re taking this whole jealousy thing too far.” You calmly replied as their glares intensified.

The first girl then raised her hand and slapped you harshly across the face. Well that hurt.

“Don’t lie, bitch! You stay away from him, you hear me?! He’s mine!” She yelled at you as her cronies nodded in agreement.

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