Chapter 2

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We walked inside and I saw 3 girls fighting over what to watch on the tv. "Guys quit that!" Eddie said and took the remote. His loud voice scared me giving me flashbacks. I shake my head turning back to reality. "Guys come meet your sister" They ran over and I looked at them. "Guys this is Mackenzie, but she would like to be called Mac. Mac this is Dallas, Demi, and Maddison." She said pointing at them. I nodded and turned to Diana. "Where do I putt my stuff?" "I can take it for you if you want" I shake my head "I'm fine I can take it, I don't like people doing stuff for me that I can do myself." She nodded and smiled. "I'll show you" We walked up stairs and she showed me my room and told me to come downstairs when I was ready. I nodded and packed out. I didn't know how tired I was before I just fell asleep.

-2 months later-

When I was done I walked downstairs and only saw one person sitting in the living room. "Hey," I said and sat down beside Demi who was watching tv. She turned to me and smiled "Hey Mac" I looked at the tv and saw... "Is that I almost got away with it?" She nodded. "I love that show," I said and she turned to me. "Omg same," She said excited and we got so lost in watching it that we didn't notice everyone else coming back. After watching a little more the voices came back. 'cut' 'just do it' 'nobody cares anyway' 'they're just pretending' They said and I ran up to my room and got my drawing set. I just started to draw. I had locked the door so I heard some knocking and someone saying my name but I ignored it all focusing on trying to get the voices away, but this time they were louder. I threw the drawing stuff on the floor and broke down crying. There were still knocking just a little louder, but it all soon faded and I started having a panic attack. I soon felt someone on my side. I turned to see Demi. She was saying something but I couldn't get it with me. She put my hand so I could feel her heartbeats and I knew what she meant. I took some deep breaths and She hugged me. "What happened baby girl?" "The voices came back, they were so loud. Demi I almost slipped" I said crying. She looked at me and asked, "What did they tell you to do again?" I looked down and signed "Cutt..." "But Demi I didn't. I'm clean. 5 months" I told her and she smiled. 

"I'm proud of you, but you do know I have to tell mom about this right?" I looked her in the eyes and shook my head. "I'm gonna tell Demi. Just let me have some minutes. I was gonna tell you guys about it anyway. Can you just get Diana and Eddie and meet me in the living room?" She nodded "Idk if I wanna tell Dallas and Maddison yet. I need to think a little bit, okay? I'll be downstairs in about 5-10 min. okay?" She nodded again and left after giving me a hug. The moment she closes the door I took up my shirt and looked at how bad my bruise was because It hurt like hell right now. I took a deep breath and thought that I might as well tell everyone. I walked to Dallas room and knocked on the door. She told me to come in. "Dallas can you come with me I need to talk to everyone?" She nodded worried and walked with me to get Maddison. I opened the door and saw Maddison talking to her best friend Bea who I have come out to and she came out me. We have a thing going on but don't tell anyone. We are waiting until we are ready to come out to everyone.

"Emm... Can you guys come with me I have to tell you guys something?" Maddison nodded and Bea looked at me and asked: "Me too?" I smiled and nodded "You're my friend so, of course, you too. You're gonna find out anyway because I know Maddison will tell you and I want you all to hear it from me." She nodded and Maddison sent a sign to Bea and she came and walked beside me. "You okay?" She asked and I looked at her "Idk... But it will be better when I tell you all everything." She looked confused. "Everything of what?" I looked down and said "My story" She saw that this was gonna be hard for me and took my hand in hers. "It's gonna be okay. I'm here if you ever need something okay?" I nodded with a smile. When we came into the living room Diana and Eddie sat there with Demi worried. The rest sat down and I'm gonna be honest, I wish Bea was by my side right now. "Okay, so I have something I wanna tell you guys. I was really gonna tell one thing, but I figured that I'm just gonna tell my whole story" I told them everything and some tears fell, but I really didn't wanna cry so I wiped them away and I saw that everyone was crying. "I'm sorry.." I said and Diana came up to me. "Hey, It's okay. It's just that we hoped that nothing bad had happened to you. How long have you been clean?" "5 months soon 6," I said proudly. "When is the date that you have 6 months clean?" She asked and I thought for a second and said 11.

I saw Bea thinking for a second like she was counting and I think I got up for her what day I last cut because she looked at me sadly. "Well, then we are gonna celebrate it if you want" I smiled and nodded. We all talked for a little bit about really nothing special. They all thought that we should let go of this right now. Bea hasn't stopped looking at me since she realized what day I last cut. She got up and walked over to me asking if we could talk. We walked outside and sat down. "You realized what day it was? Is it that you wanna talk about?" She nodded. "Can I just ask you why your birthday? What happened?" I looked at her with a sad smile. "A lot happened that day. Nobody remembered my birthday or cared well nobody ever did so that was not really it, but I got beat up worse than before, my foster dad... that was the day I got raped and lost my best friend killed herself a week before, but her parents told me that day..." She hugged me tight and we just sat there hugging for a while. "I'm sorry," She said and I looked at her. "It's okay" "Bea can you do something for me?" She nodded. "Can you get Maddie for me?" She smiled and nodded. "Thx boo" she smiled and said "No problem amor" I blushed and she left. Soon Maddie came outside to me with a smile. "You called me Maddie," She said proudly. I laughed and she sat down. "What's up?" She asked and I took a deep breath. "Maddie you can't tell anyone about this yet, but I really wanna tell you this because you're my baby girl." She looked at me wondering "Maddie I'm gay" She smiled and said, "I know girl and I'm proud of you coming out" "Thx baby girl" She looked at me with a smile "So is there a special girl in your life? Someone, you like?" I laughed "I'm not talking about this with you right now," I said and got up.

"Omg, it is," She said a little loud and a little too close to the others so they turned around. "Maddie!" I said and she started to run. "Yeah, you better run," I said and sat down letting her run away. "What was that about?" "Nothing special. Just something between Maddie and I" I said and they nodded with a smile. "Why you all smiling like that?" I asked and Dallas turned to me "Because you said Maddie and not Maddison like you've said since you came here." "Well for your information I have a name for everyone here." "Really what?" Dallas asked again. "Well... Dallas is Dall, Demi is Demz, Maddieson is Maddie, Eddie is Ed, Diana is mom..." They all smiled and Bea looked at me. "What about me?" She asked "Well I have more than one for you depends. I got asshole, butthole, Idiot, foodmonter.." she threw a pillow at me. "I also got Bestie, smiley, boo" She smiled and hugged me tightly. Maddie sat down on the couch and smiled at me. "So what are we doing today?" I asked. Demi thought for a second "Movie night" "You guys have fun me, Eddie and Dallas have some stuff we need to do" We nodded and Demi, Maddie, and Bea jumped in front of the tv. Bea looked at me and asked "What is it? Why are you not excited?" I looked at them "Guys what kind of movie are we watching?" "How about... Scary?" Maddie asked and we all agreed. "Well you guys find a scary movie and I will make some snacks." "I'll help," Bea said and we walked into the kitchen.

We found some snacks and started making popcorn. While it was popping Bea walked over to me and I sat on the counter. "I love you amor and I'm really proud of what you did today." "Thx boo," I said and took away the hair that was in front of her face. I looked into her eyes and leaned in. "What if someone comes?" She asked and I smiled and said "Right now I don't give a fuck. I miss your lips" She smiled and we kissed. When we were done making the snacks we walked back to the others and sat down. "What took you guys so long?" Demi asked and I could see Bea blush. "You know that making popcorn takes its time. you can make it pop faster" I said and smiled. "What movie are we watching?" Bea asked "Insidious," Maddie said and we nodded. we were 15 min into the movie and Bea was already cuddling up to me scared. When the movie was done Demi and Maddie had fallen asleep. I turned to Bea. "Hey wanna watch another movie?" "Can we got to your room and watch it then?" She asked with a smile. I nodded and turned off the tv. I put on a blanket over Demi and Maddie and we got up to my room. "What movie?" I asked her while she was making herself comfy in bed. "Grease?" She asked and I put it on. I got in bed beside her and she cuddled up to me. I took my arm around her and kissed her forehead. "You know that we are gonna be singing the songs in this movie tomorrow right?" She nodded and said "I'm the girl" I laughed "That's totally fine. I like Danny" She laughed and we watched the movie or she did I was thinking. "Bea?" She looked up and nodded. I smiled and kissed her. She kissed me back and well I can tell you that I might have got a little heated. After our little make-out session, we laid down cuddling again and watched the movie until we fell asleep.


Thank you guys for reading my new chapter. Hope you liked it. Stay strong guys. Love you all

The lost Lovato sisterWhere stories live. Discover now