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Saterina looked at the flashing words, "Underwater base destroyed!" on the huge wall-sized screen in her seventy fifth story control room. The control room is in the exact same layout as the titanic base, only without the decorations of the nice carpet and paintings. The room was still swarming with engineers giving their last touches. She smiled. The explosions had taken her archenemy, the Jupitian Prince, along with most of the PEIDB agents. She looked down and pressed a few buttons on the huge keyboard, missing the momentary view of the thirty PEIDB pods flying over the spurting lava and growing volcano. She looked at the new screen that showed the planet Jupiter. She smiled again and under her breath, she said, determinedly shaking her left fist at the screen and gritting her teeth, "You will be mine!"

Meanwhile, the Jupitian sped back towards the mansion. In full stealth mode, the Jupitian pod had stood floating and watching as the PEIDB pods left, allowing time for the pod to complete and finalized the boosters' repairs. It dropped the Prince outside the house before it compacted further. The Prince quickly went straight to bed. It was about three hours until school, and Ken had less than that. Two hours and ten minutes later, the Jupitian pod sent low frequency waves waking the Jupitian Prince. The Prince rubbed his eyes and staggered to the bathroom. Maintaining his act, he took a cold bath, and got dressed for school.

Although he was sleepy, he was still Jupitian enough to remember that he had to act. That is, the advantage of non-earthling. Sleepily, the Jupitian Prince pretended to eat some cereals and left for school by walking. Later, he would give the excuse to the bugs in the walls that he had fallen asleep in the park. He had to lie. The obvious flaw of re-adapting to be imperfect is the need and desire to lie.

Ken entered the school building on time. The bell had just barely stopped ringing before he found his way to the ground floor. The school was a massive, light grey building, five levels in height and situated outside the city. He had pushed through tons of other students as he ran up the stairs to the main entrance beneath the big stenciled words, "West X International School."

His physical form had adapted to a state that he could have light blue eyes from his original greenish light blue eyes since the previous day before church, but he still looked like an escaped panda from China showing that the re-adaptation was apparent enough to reflect his lack of sleep. This time in school, he attracted the attention of both genders. Girls stared at his handsome dejected looks and panda eyes while the boys looked at him for just his panda eyes.

Derek saw him along the corridor and came over saying, "Hey bud, you are a national treasure of China!"

Mistaking Derek's words, Ken hastily said, "No, I'm just an ordinary human."

Derek laughed and, very concerned, he questioned, "Why so flustered? I'm just saying you look like a panda. Why are you so nervous? Are you an alien or something?"

Ken's adrenaline pumped, recalling a reverse psychology trick he read from books, he casually said, "Well to tell you the truth, I'm a Jupitian."

Derek laughed, he placed his hand on Ken's shoulders and said, "Yeah right, and I'm the Martian Prince."

Ken's eyes widened and innocently, he asked, "You are?"

Derek laughed louder. "Boy, you're funny!"

Realizing it was a joke; Ken joined in the laughter.

Laughing, they went into the school hall at the end of the corridor for the usual Monday assembly.

Meanwhile, hovering at the roof of the school, the Jupitian pod uploaded a small portion of the IDS highly encrypted files to PEIDB. The most advanced computer on Earth could not hold a fraction of the pod's capabilities. The pod went through an international satellite on an unauthorized frequency. That way, the IDS or PEIDB could not trace the source of the frequency, and the IDS would not be able to decode the data, even if they manage to detect it. The code was scrambled three million six hundred seventy-eight thousand, nine hundred and ninety-two times. It would automatically decode itself in the PEIDB computer, and would be erased once accessed by the director. If IDS managed to download the code away; the code would release a virus and wipe out everything in the IDS computer should the code leave the PEIDB computer.

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