1. The Breakup Haircut

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Lisa's P.O.V
I finally ended it with him. I finally realized how horrible he treated me. All the times when he would purposely toy with my emotions. He would use me. The amount of times he cheated on me was uncountable. I knew he was dirt but I loved him like gold. I thought he was charming and rebellious. The way he would run his hands through my long dark brown hair. Oh how he loved my hair. He would do things to me that I wish to this day he hadn't have done. I didn't deserve what he did to me. The cruel things he would do to me... So I finally got the courage and I told him that we needed to talk. He came over to my house (which I share with my sisters). I told him that I can't be in this relationship anymore. I told him I want to break up. He grabbed my arms yanked me back and threw a punch straight to my face. "You worthless piece of sh*t. You didn't deserve me anyways. You fat, ugly, sl*t. And you thought i loved you? Well I don't. And I never did" He says angrily as his grasp on my arms grow tighter. "You should just go die" he whispers in my ears as he throws me against the wall. He marches his way to the front door and slams it. All I do is sink down to the floor and start crying. I stayed on the floor crying for about an hour till Katherine found me. "Lisa? Are you ok! What happened" She asked me. I remember the fear filled tone in her voice. "I broke up with him. He pu-pun-ched me" I stutter our. This was how it always was. He always verbally and physically abused me. He would hit me most of the time and then cover it up with an excuse of having "a hard day."  I let the warm tears crawl down my face that day. Katherine helped me up. She got me ice for my face, took me to the couch and sat and talked with me for hours. I told her that he was always so heartless and cruel. How truly horrific he was. She held me in a hug for an thirty minutes as we talked. She told me "Do whatever you have to do to grieve. Just don't listen to him. You are worth more than the whole world. To me, to this family, to your friends, to our fans. Don't give up" I smiled for the first time in a while. Realizing how much she cared made me happy. But this brings me to where we are today, at the hair salon. The one thing he was obsessed with on my body was my long hair. He loved it so much. He would rub his hands through it and twist it every night. If I want to get rid of the memories of him, I have to get rid of this hair. I walk in and tell my hair stylist to cut it all off and donate it when we are done. She snips one by one, taking a ton of weight off with each chop of the scissor. I look in the mirror and see a completely different women. I am the new Lisa Michelle Cimorelli. I am worth it and will never change ❤️

A/N hi. I'm back for the summer. I truly love Cimorelli fanfic. If y'all have any one shot requests lemme know

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