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    >Writing down negative thoughts and tossing them in a trash can lighten your mood, it is a psychological trick.

 >Wanna score better in tests? Eat chocolate while studying. It helps the brain remember information.

 >Cheaters tend to think everyone cheats; liars tend to think everyone lies.

>In a conversation, 6O% eye contact mean they're bored, 8O % eye contact means they're attracted to you, 1OO% means they're threatening you.

 >People who speak different languages unconsciously change personalities when they switch languages.

>Most powerful way to win an argument is by asking questions. It can make them see flaws in their logic.

 >Humans are biologically wired to become attached to what's familiar. This is why we tend to hold on to thing even if they're bad for us.

>You can't see the truth when you angry, just like the way you can't see your reflection in boiling water.

 >Human brain is much more creative during night time. This is why you get all those thoughts before you sleep.

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