The Surprise

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Me: Here's another chapter!

Six: *eats a cookie*

Kid: *takes the cookie* *runs off*

Six: HEY I WAS EATING THAT!! *runs after Kid*

Kid: *jumps on the bed* Ha! I have the advantage of being tall!

Six: *pulls down hood and sheds crocodile tears* Deeeeeee, Kid stole my cookie!

Me: I'm just gonna continue the chapter


Y/N's P.O.V

I decided for us to have a movie day, so I decided to let the kids decid on a movie.

Best mistake I ever made


"Okay, kids, what should we watch?" I asked, Buggs raised his hand "Sausage Party!" AH HECK NO "No, next." this time it was Monty, "Yes, Monty?" "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl!" I nod, "Okay let's do that!" I said with a smile.

I typed on my laptop and started to watch it. I also let them wear their pjs, so I was in my (F/C) top and bottoms with a cute (F/A) on it, with the words "Night Night" on the top of it.

Nugget was wearing his orange and red checkered top and his orange pants.

Monty was wearing a green and white shirt, with matching green pants.

Buggs was wearing a grey shirt and grey shorts.

Cindy was wearing a pink kitty onesie.

Lily and Billy were wearing matching blue fox onesies.

Jerome was wearing a yellow top and matching yellow pants.

Kid was wearing a blue navy blue striped shirt with light blue pants with stars on them.

I let Haylee and Kelsey stay at their grandma's today, so they can get use to one another.

Monty and Jerome were sitting on my lap, since I was on the floor with them. We watched it until lunch. I paused the movie and smiled at them "We can watch the rest after lunch, but don't eat to fast. If you're in here before lunch ends, you don't get the surprise I brought you guys." I said. They all nod "Yes, ma'am!" they said before going to the lunchroom.

I got to my desk, and texted my friends, (F/N) and (B/F/N).

(B/F/N): Heeeey, Y/N!!

(F/N): Hey, (N/N)!

Me: Hey guys

(B/F/N): You gonna join us at the theater for the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie? You know Dead Man Tells No Tale?

"Crap! I forgot! But... I need to watch Nugget, Haylee, and Kelsey." I said to myself.

Me: Sorry, guys but I have to watch my kids.

(F/N): OOOOHHHH!!! Since has when our sweet little (N/N) been with a guy? Who's the dad?

Me: I haven't been with a guy, (F/N), I adopted them.

(B/F/N): Awwww, I bet their cute! 💙

I smiled as I typed.

Me: Yeah

(F/N): What's their names? How many do you have? TELL MEH!!!

Me: Nugget, Kelsey, and Haylee. But right now I'm a proud momma! :D

(B/F/N): Well me and (F/N) will tell how it turns out. Bye squirrel!

I chuckled at what (B/F/N)'s thing she calls us.

(F/N): Bye

I put down my phone, and started to eat my lunch.

♡♡Time Skip by: The kids doing the Swing It meme♡♡

After the kids came in from lunch, I dug through my bag, and pulled out eight bags of candy. I handed each of them a bag, that had some candy that somehow reminded me of them. I gave Monty some Smarties, Buggs some small jawbreakers, Cindy some lemon drops (if you get why I choice this shout out to you(here's a hint 😆 (I can't do the actual think) ), Jerome some Reeses Peices, Kid some sour bubblegum, Nugget some small butterfingers, and Lily and Billy some peppermints.

They all chowed down on the candy, as we watched the rest of the movie.

After the movie ended I put on my headphones to watch some YouTube and let the kids play.

Kid's P.O.V

I made a group meeting after Mrs. (Y/N) put on her headphones. After everyone came to me I smiled "Guys, I think we need to do something for Mrs. (Y/N). You know, as a why to thank her." I said. Monty looked at me "Well what should we do?" he asked, Lily and Billy raised their hands "What do you two got?" I asked. "We could put on a small play." they said, I nod "Good idea, but what should it be about?" I asked. Jerome smirked "Well, what about Pirates of the Caribbean? Did you notice how she couldn't stop smiling?" I shook me head.

"Didn't notice that, but let's do that." I said. "But who should play as who?" Cindy asked. "Okay so what about this, Nugget plays as William Turner, Lily plays as Elizabeth, Monty could play as Gibbs, I play as Jack, Jerome plays as that bodyguard for Barbosa, and Buggs plays as Barbosa?" I said. They nod, Billy looked at me worried "Wh-what about me?" he stuttered. I thought for a second, "Uh... what about um... that British guard that wants to marry Elizabeth." I said.

Billy looked at me weird "But me and Lily are siblings, so doesn't that count as incest!?" I shook me head "Not if it's in a play." I said smirking. Billy nods "Fine."

The rest of the day we basically played and stuff.

Me: Sorry if it seems rushed, I've been a little lazy lately and I knew I really needed to update.

Six: *climbs the bed* Give me back my cookie!

Kid: NO!

Bendy: *grabs and breaks the cookie in half* Now shut up you two.

Kid and Six: Nom nom!

Seven: *bursts through the door* wait this isn't the bathroom....

Six: *waves* Hi, Seven!

Me: Seven, you're breaking the rules!

Monty: I'm just gonna end this *waves* Bye bye!

Kindergarten x New Teacher! ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat