Jealousy -Jughead

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( In this you are Archie's sister, everyone is 16, and Archie and Jug met when they were 6.)

You and Betty have been friends forever. She and your other friend Jughead started dating and ever sense they haven't left each others side or stopped being cute and it's annoying the hell out of you. See the thing is you have liked Jug for as long as you can remember. At least as long as he's known Archie. You thought it was just a little crush but it hasn't gone away and for 10 years later here you are having to sit and watch the guy you love, be in love with your best friend.

Moving on, everyone is now at Pop's drinking milkshakes but of course Jug and Betty are sharing one and so are Archie and Veronica, leaving you to have one to yourself. You couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey I'm gonna head out, I have, um, homework to do, uh, bye" you say running out of the diner hoping no one saw the tears sliding down your cheeks. You didn't get very far before you could hear someone behind you cashing after you.

"y/n, where you going, I know you don't have homework I'm in all your classes." he yells from behind you causing you to stop, you turned around so he could see you and the tears flowing your cheeks. "Why are you crying"

"Because I have to sit in there and watch the guy I love date one of my best friends, when she knows I love him" you yell back before turning back to leave but before you could he grabs your wrist.

"Wait that's what this is about? I don't love or even like Betty, I love you. Betty told me you liked me so we made a deal to get you to come clean to me. It was that if we 'dated' to make you jealous I would work n the paper with her" He said taking your hands in his "You are really cute when your jealous"

"Whatever, Just kiss me already!!" you said kissing him.

"I love you, y/n"

"I love you too, Jug"

Author note

Sorry I didn't update when I said I would, but they kept me until Friday and my family wanted to have a family day, then Saturday we went raspberry picking together. I'm editing this at 12:47 am because I can't sleep.

I wanted to know should I keep writing second person or go to first which do you like...

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