Meeting Ashton for the first time

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    Imagine you moving to a new town. You've just turned 19 and decided it was time you finally got out of your parents house, going as far away as possible. With a new town comes new people and since you don't know anyone there, you decide to stroll around town.

    There are big city buildings, but as you get further down town the buildings become small and cozy. Book stores, music shops, and cafes line each street. One cafe is a little more crowded than others so you start to pass it up...until you see a cute drummer boy in the window, beating away at his drums while his band plays along.

    You decide to walk in and see if they were any good. As the melody fills your ears, you're instantly swayed by them all. As he beats at his drums, he catches you staring and a giant smile displays on his lips. As the song goes on, you dance cooly to the beat and keep your eyes on his skilled moves. He knows you're staring because he's staring too.

    The song ends too soon and you notice the boys putting down their instruments.

    "Alright guys, take 20." The lead singer, a blond innocent looking boy, says.

    The drummer boy adjusts his set and twirls his drum sticks while standing to stretch his legs. He then sets down the sticks and makes his way to you, smiling intently.

    "I've never seen you here before, you new?" His chocolate eyes shine in the dim lighting.

    "Yeah," you smile wryly, "just moved in down the street this morning."

    "Well hi. Welcome. I'm Ashton." He says in greeting.

    "Hi, I'm y/n. Its nice to finally meet my first person." You say in hopes to make him feel obligated to show you around.

    "First person, huh? Well maybe you wouldn't mind me showing you around. Get to know each other. Introduce people?" He takes the bait.

    "That would be really great." You admit, anxious to get started.

    He starts to walk away, motioning you to come with him. He walks up to his band members that are standing at the counter getting drinks. "Hey guys, this is y/n. Just moved in this morning!" He says excitedly to them.

   They all greet you in the same excitement, making you feel even more welcome. First group of friends already and they're all hot guys. Way to go!

    "The food here is great, would you like anything?" Ashton asks you.

    "No thank you." You decline. You don't wanna make him pay.

    "It's alright, I got it." He says, noticing your small worry.

    "Whatever you'd like me to try then." You smile widely. Now he's buying you food already!

    He leans over the counter, speaking smoothly to the lady at the register. She reaches down to grab something out of the glass display below her and places it into a paper bag.

    "Coffee?" He raises his eyebrows in question.

    "(Whatever coffee or tea you like)?" You half ask half confirm.

    "I'll have one too," he says, "the cake pops as well."

    After getting the food and drinks, you guys sit at a booth, facing each other. You start talking and find out that you guys have a shit ton in common. Before you knew it, 20 minuets was over and it was time for Ashton to get back on the small stage behind his drums.

  "Can I have your number?" He hands his phone to you, open on a new contact page.

    "Absolutely. " you say while taking his phone and typing in the digits, checking twice to see if your shaky hands made any mistakes. Seeing none, you hand him back his phone.

    "Text me?" You ask expectantly.

    "But of course. Why wouldn't I wanna talk to the most beautiful girl I've ever seen?" He smiles cheekily and starts backing towards the stage, melting your heart completely. Day one in town: beyond successful.

AN: hey guys! I literally haven't updated this in like a year. I'm so sorry! But hey, you should check out my new Michael fanfic. It has to do with the zombie apocalypse and I really like where its going so far. (Also, every time I type 'fanfic' it auto corrects to 'fabric'. Idk why, but its funny to me) anyways, goodnight! Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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