Imagine you and Calum

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Are dating and you're in the front row of one of the most important concerts of the tour.

Calum is jamming on his bass solo to American idiot and he comes up to the spot where you are and smiles, blowing you a kiss, which you catch and blow a kiss back.

Then the song ends and he comes up to hold your hand. As your fingers touch, your body is on fire by the small gesture. He notices the loving and encouraging look in your eyes and he speaks with determination, "I love you."

Your heart clenches as you hear the first shot. Then the second. Then the third. And one last shot and Calums hand is tightly holding yours. The determination and love is gone from his eyes and is replaced with sorrow.

It's like everything is in slow motion as he falls to his knees, all the while you're confused of what is going on so you can only stare.

Then you understand as he falls forward and everyone starts screaming around you, but you're just sobbing. Feeling heartbroken as the, once loving and life filled, boy is lying limply in front of you, losing his grip on your hand.

"Calum! No!" you scream, pulling yourself onto the stage, flipping him over, and examining his wound.

"CALUM, PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" You scream louder.

Just as you think he is absolutely dead, his hand comes up and caresses your bloody cheek. His eyes are staring strait into yours and nothing else.

"I meant what I said," he croaks, "I love you. With everything in me, I love you."

"And I love you." You sob, holding his hand to your face, kissing his palm. "with everything I have ever had in me."

He smiles the biggest smile you've ever seen and his eyes sparkle with tears. Then his smile drops and his eyes are left open, staring at you as he takes his last breath. Then he is gone.

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