Date with Mikey

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You're walking around Sydney and decide to go to your favorite video game store.

As you open the door and walk in, you run into a tall dark figure and fall strait to the floor.

The person you ran into helps you up and starts to say, "I'm so sorry, I really didn't see you coming."

You look into his eyes and stare, shocked at how beautiful he is. "'s o-okay." You stutter.

He smiles and brings you to your feet, "So," he begins,"You like video games?"

You nod, still staring.

He chuckles and starts walking you around the store, "I'm Michael." he says, pointing at a game, "that's an awesome one, played the hell out of it."

"Me too." You admit awkwardly.

"Major gamer?" he asks with a surprised look.

"Huge." You say, smiling really big.

"What were you going to get today?" he asks curiously.

"I was just looking, maybe you can help?" You suggest, wanting to talk to him more.

He picks up Call Of Duty Black Ops II (a game you have played to many times before) and you shake your head, "Been there, done that."

You walk along the isles with him, him occasionally showing you games you've already played.

"Okay, so what haven't you played?" he asks in defeat.

You pick up a game that you've seen but never played because you thought it looked stupid and start walking to the counter.

Once you pay for it, you take the receipt and a pen to write your number for him, but he stops you.

"Lets go to my place to play this, yeah?" He says, and you agree quickly.

When you walk into his flat, he puts the game in and you guys play for hours together until it is 9:00 and you realize you hadn't eaten since breakfast.

Your stomach growls and he pauses the game, standing up.

"Where are you going?" You ask as he gets his wallet.

"I'm taking you out for food, unless you want to eat the crummy stuff my roommate keeps in the cabinets." he shrugs his jacket on, holding his hand down to you. You quickly grab it and get your bag, following him out the door.

As you arrive at the restaurant down the street, you realize how cold it is and Michael sees you shivering. He takes his leather jacket off, draping it over your shoulders.

When you guys walk in, Michael asks for a table in the back and the waiter walks you guys back to the booth. You both order your food and it comes quickly.

Then you notice small white spots in your noodles. "Are these..." you trail off, not really wanting to ask.

"Are those what?" Michael asks in confusion.

"Turtle eggs?" You ask, disgusted.

"Oh no!" He goes to take cover.

"What's going on?!" you squeal frantically.

"They have bombs on them!!" He grabs your hand and runs out of the door.

As you turn around to look, the place lights up and a loud boom is heard. Glass flies everywhere as you and Michael run home, hand in hand.

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