The Brankstin's House Chapter 5: The Stranger on Braken Street.

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I lived in a small neighbourhood, and my street name was called Braken Street.

Not a lot of people came out to play, but when they did, usually I would join them. Spooky stuff happens here also. It also has a few houses people stay away from. A few of my closest friends went to visit one of them. He never returned. Maybe the house is haunted by demons? Maybe even worse. Maybe it belongs to a cult group that sacrificed him.

The only remains they could find of him was a scarf I bought him for his birthday five years ago. He never took it off. Even in summer. He was the only person who understood me better than anyone else. My parents knew me as well, because they're my family of course. What happens in Braken Street stays in Branken Street is what they say.

After the murder of my friend Dillan, no one bothered to come out anymore. A lot of people moved away from here. I continued to live here, because its close to where my parents work. They're both accountants. The two houses that are supposedly "haunted" were next door to each other. If you went close to them, you'd hear dogs barking without there being a dog. If you went into the front gate, you'd get a chill up your spine, because it feels like someone would be touching you.

The places you should never go in those two houses, is the upstairs bathrooms. Blood fills up the bathtub, ghosts supposedly appear and watch you without you knowing. The toilet would clog and more blood would come out. The last thing you see in that house is a girl. She's about nine years old. The only facial features she has is a huge mouth with razor sharp teeth.

After my doctors appointment one day, my friend Richard said to me," Hey, want to go check out those two houses?" I look at him and I said," What happens if you get caught? Or worse...killed?!" He giggled,"The stories about people going missing and dying in those houses are probably folk stories." I looked a bit angered," So you think those bones and skulls of people are fake?!" He nods and says,"How else are they supposed to scare people into going there?" I face palm myself,"Then why don't you go into one of them? Or better yet, why don't you walk the street at night? Scary things happen on Friday at three in the morning."

He looked at me and said," Huh! Like what?" I said to him," You're just not allowed to be going out at three in the morning, or film yourself at three in the morning. Ghosts come out that time." He laughed," Someone has been reading too many fairy tales again." I shouted," No! this stuff is real."

We continued to talk as we walked around. An old lady was walking around, but her face expression made her look suspicious. "Are you boys lost?" she said. I replied," No miss, I live in this street." She smiled," Which house? Maybe I can come visit one day." I gulped," House thirty-six." She smiled and walked off. Richard looked at me and said," Maybe you shouldn't have answered her." I looked at him a bit scared," Yeah. Lets just continue walking."

We continued walking. It became overcast. The news man said it was going to rain today. We quickly rushed to my house, but we bumped someone by accident. I looked at him and I said,"So sorry sir. I'm just trying to get home." He turned to look at me with a huge smile on his face," No its okay. You sleep well tonight, okay?" He laughed and walked away.

I was thinking to myself what does that even mean? You sleep well tonight? Well, I guess I won't be sleeping after all then.

While we carried on walking, Richard said,"I see why everyone left. Why didn't you?" I said," This is the only street close enough to my parents' work." He replied," Oh I see." We got to my house and it started to pour down. I sighed in relief that we made it home safely, and before the rain.

We both went up to my room. I had PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Yeah I know, rich right? I also had VR. We spent hours playing, until someone knocked on the window. Richard and I both jumped. I paused the game, and went to see who it was. I looked out the window, and it was the guy we met earlier with the huge smile on his face.

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