The Brankstin's House Chapter 4: The Log Cabin in Dark Frost Forest

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I liked reading a lot of scary stories and weird stuff when I was young.

One story that stuck with me was the story of Dark Frost Forest. I was at a party, and we were all telling scary stories, so I decided to go last.

I looked at everyone and said,"A long time ago, there were a couple of friends driving through the forest at night. It began to snow hard, so they all thought it be a good idea to stop for the night. They all decided to sleep in the car, because of how cold it was. At three in the morning, someone knocked on the window. One of them woke up and opened the door. She looks at him and says,"Hello. Are you lost?" He looked at her angrily and said,"You're trespassing on my property. This forest is mine." She was tried and not in the mood,"You don't own the forest, anyone is allowed to walk into the forest." He shon a torch light on the hanging bodies above her. She was scared,"What are those?" He smiles,"Don't worry, you'll join them soon enough." Everyone was in the car sleeping. The man smashes her head against the glass. Everyone thought it was just a squirrel or something. The man swing an axe, and the axe slices half her head off. The axe hits the girl and goes though the car door. Everyone craps themselves. The doors have been frozen shut due to the snow. The girl's head squirts blood. He picks up her body and slams it against the door, which then breaks. He gets into the car and smiles,'I hope you brought extra bandages...' He takes a knife and stabs it into the girl's head, then uses force and cuts a straight line through her whole body. The girl splits in two and her organs fall into the seat, along with her intestines leaking out. The man laughs. He then goes over to the two boys who are desperately trying to escape. He says,'Escaping is futile....but don't worry....we were all born to die.' The man slams the one boy's face on the hooter of the car. The boy's face was bleeding. The man laughs,'Do you want me to stop? Yes? Or no?' The boy nods no. The man continues,'Wrong answer.' The man smashes the boy's face against the frozen window. The other boy manages to get out the car and run. The man, with great accuracy, threw his axe, and it hit the boy's head slicing through it. The boy collapsed. The man drags all the bodies out the car, and hands them next to all the other bodies. The one he split in half was sewn back together. He opened her eyes and made her sit by the road. He put clothes over the body so it didn't look suspicious. As innocent people stopped to look at the lifeless, but seemingly normal body, the man would incapacitate them with poison darts. He would then drag the bodies away, and make them look like homeless people. This has been going on for about twenty years now. The man hasn't been caught yet. There has also been sights of weird creatures roaming around. Some say it was from a demonic symbol, and they came out of hell. Legend has it, if you see the girl, you'll die instantly by a trap. The trap has endless amounts of spears in it. So you're most likely getting a neck shot, or headshot. The man is said to live in a log cabin, and his axe has taken many lives. That's how it was named Dark Frost Forest."

Everyone was on the edge of their seats. One of the girls looks at me and says,"Is what you're saying true?" I nod. "You can join me if you like. I plan on actually checking it out tomorrow. If anyone wants to see if I was telling the truth about all this."

About five people out their hands up. We exchange phone numbers. I look at them and say,"We'll leave at about....maybe give o' clock in the morning. Sound good?" They all nod. I smile,"Oh by the way, by name is Vince. Nice to meet you."

One of the boys says,"I'm Vick." The other both says,"I'm Shane." One of the girls says,"My name is Keighley, and this my twin Heighley." Heighley smiles and waves,"Hello."

I smile at them,"Cool. So that's five in the morning. See you all tomorrow."

I drive home as soon as the party was over, and I decided to go to bed. I woke up at three in the morning. Only because I wanted to get ready a lot quicker and be ready. I put on warm clothes, because its cold by Dark Frost Forest.

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