The Brankstin's House Chapter 1: The Brankstin Family

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The Brankstins were a very kind family, the mother: Sharlet Brankstin who is fourty-eight, father: Carl Brankstin who is fourty-three, three sons: Jack who is twenty-one, Leon who is twenty-five and Tyler who is nineteen and two daughters: Shantae who is sixteen and Fiona who is fifteen.

Leon was the oldest out of all the siblings and the mother was older than her husband.

The family are just a normal family, go to church every sunday, have sunday lunch together, the kids do well at school and all of the three sons have girlfriends.

In 1996, the mother fell pregnant again with their sixth child but what the mother didn't tell her husband was that she has been cheating on him and even the kids didn't know about this.

One day, the mother said she was heading out to go to Shantae and Fiona's parents meeting but what they didn't know is she wasn't coming back.

The husband was wondering where his wife was because she hasn't been home for about a week and he then started going through her personal stuff that she doesn't like anyone touching and saw love letters, poems and she wrote that she likes doing naughty things with this other man.

Angered by this, he then goes into a rage and trashes the house while everyone is out and then once the two daughters Shantae and Fiona came home, he was holding a knife, took both of them into the basement and both of them were scared and confused at the same time as to what's going on, he strips both of them, he then takes Shantae and slams her face against the wall until her face is just a blood mass and does the same to Fiona, he decapitates both of them, he then grabs Fiona's dead body because to him she was the hottest and then rapes her dead body, he takes rope and wraps the rope around both of their bodies, chained both of them to the wall, he cuts a line down the middle of their bodies and opens their bodies exposing their insides, takes their decapitated heads, two old dolls and he then puts their bloody decapitated heads on the headless dolls and then puts them on a wooden table next to their chained and nude body.

The father then walks into Jack, Leon and Tyler's room with the bloody knife in his hand and all three of them look scared and frightened unknown what's about to happen while the father puts on latex doctor gloves, he then walk up to them, takes Leon and cuts his neck hard and fast then he drops him in the floor leaving him to suffer, does the same to Jack and Tyler and once he was finished, he then he took all three of their lifeless bodies and hung them on the three different trees and he then takes a bucket of all of their blood and writes in the wall next to the tree saying, "Life is but a continuous loop of death".

When his wife returned home four days later, the whole house was trashed, personal possessions were broken, windows were boarded up with wooden planks, glass on the floor, a strong scent of blood in the air and weird satanic symbols on the walls around the house.

She then goes into the bathroom and finds the left over blood that has filled up the bath and scared out her mind, she then leaves the bathroom to look around to see if anyone was home.

She goes into the basement and looks at her daughters' dead bodies with their intestines on the floor and insects feasting on the insides of their bodies.

She runs out the basement and closes the door, then goes upstairs to see if anyone else was home and slowly goes upstairs.

With lights flickering and wind howling in the background, it felt way creepier and as she enters her room, she sees candles lit up in the dark room in a circle and as she looks up, she sees her husband hanging from the ceiling with his eyes open, his face had a huge smile on it as if he cut his lips even wider and he stiched it back together so it looked like he was smiling and has a huge blood cross on his chest.

She then backs away scared out of her life and as she backs up to the wall, she turns around and then finds words on the wall saying, "It's not nice to cheat....I was very sad when you left but don't worry, I took care of the you're allowed to look up".

She looked up and a huge axe drops from the ceiling cutting her head in half with blood spraying out and as she falls, her body drops into the lit candles and it burns a huge hold into her chest. There was then nothing left, dead kids in the basement and outside handing from the trees, dead husband hanging from the ceiling in his room, dead mother on the floor in the same room as her husband but before she came back, she had her sixth child with the other man.

The sixth child was a girl and her name was Lacey Brankstin, she was twelve years old now and it has been twelve years after the murders of the two daughters, three sons, mother and father. Before Lacey went to bed, she always went on Facebook for a few minutes before going to bed and she then got seven new friend requests on Facebook and their names: Jack Brankstin, Leon Brankstin, Tyler Brankstin, Shantae Brankstin, Fiona Brankstin, Sharlet Brankstin and Carl Brankstin.

At first she thought nothing of it but she soon realises that these were all her family members who died gruesomely twelve years ago. She puts the laptop aside for the night and as she lays her head down on her pillow, she gets a notification on her phone and she wakes up just to see who it is.

She opened Facebook messenger and the message she received was from Fiona Brankstin, so she was scared and said, "Um.....who is this?.." so then Fiona replies to her saying, "Its your sister". After reading this comment, she didn't even know she had a sister but she then continues to chat with her, "I was never told that I have a sister" so then she waits for a reply and then she got another message, "That's because mommy died" and so she replied back saying, "m-mommy died?! But how?".

She get another message but this time way scarier, "Maybe you should find out...." and after reading this, she then put her phone off and puts it on the night stand, but as she lays down and turns to the left, she sees a doll with a human head on it and she screams but the room suddenly goes sound proof and the door disappears and it was at this moment she knew she was helpless.

The doll then starts cutting her legs off and Lacey screams loudly and crying but the doll laughs then the doll opens Lacey's mouth and puts her arms it and rips out Lacey's vocal cords which makes Lacey cry harder.

The doll then finds a sword in Lacey's room and goes to Lacey with the sword and then slowly cuts her breasts off, opening her chest and rips her lungs out, her intestines and then cuts her heart in half, rips Lacey's eyes out, tapes Lacey's eyes to her hands and the sows Lacey's mouth shut and blocking her nose with toilet paper.

The doll puts Lacey's dead body to the side with the blanket over her to make it look like she's sleeping. The next morning, her father enters her room and shouts her name, "Lacey its time to get ready for school" and once he opens the curtain, he turns around and sees Lacey's brutally massacred body in her bed and he screams and cries.

At that moment, the doll takes the sword and swiftly cuts the father in half and the doll then sows his body together then makes it look like Lacey and her father and sleeping together.

Five years after their deaths, the bodies are still left there to rot and people have said that the house is haunted with ghosts and things moving around with crying.

In the Brankstin's house, Its a lot more dangerous and two shousand one hundred people have already died and became one with the house.

"If you want to come over for a play date, the only one who'll be playing is me with your dead body. Bring your sleep wear with because you don't sleep here for one night, you sleep here for eternity" as it says on a sign outside the house. So be warned.

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