Book Tour

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Unrelated but totally awesome!!! Golden Bonds is now Wattpad Featured werewolf novel!!!!
Hey everyone!!!!! Thank you for sticking with Golden Bonds clear through the end. I can't believe it's finished and I don't have new chapters to look forward to. My Wattpad fans have been absolutely amazing. AHHHHH we are almost at 100,000 reads. I'm working on another werewolf novel as many of you know but a lot of you have asked about publishing. Wattpad is such a great way to interact with readers. Really connect with other bibliophiles like myself. I don't want to remove GB because you guys have made it such a great success. I would love to have hard copies available but I think I should let Wattpad keep GB for a while since everything started here. So I will make you guys a deal, I'll keep Golden Bonds on Wattpad until we reach a million reads and then I'll publish it. Once it's available as a hard copy I'll travel to the top cities that you guys get to choose and  set something up for everyone. If you can't make it, I'll post an address so anyone can send me their copies and I'll mail it back signed. That way Wattpad readers don't miss out and everyone can get a hard copy too.

It has been such a fun experience. Thank you all so so so much.


Nj Kuhr



So here are the cities requested for the book tour when Golden Bonds gets a million reads.
Let me know if there are other cities I should make stops in.

📖 Atlantic City, New Jersey USA

📖 Las Vegas, Nevada USA

📖London, UK

📖Nagoya, Japan

📖Harrisburg, Pennsylvania USA

📖 Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

📖 Christchurch, New Zealand

📖 Delhi, India

📖 San Juan, Puerto Rico

📖 Utrecht, Netherlands

📖 Aaslmeer, Netherlands

📖 San Antonio, Texas USA

📖 Toronto, Canada

📖 Norfolk, Virginia USA

📖 Boston, Massachusetts USA

📖 Aalsmeer, Netherlands

📖 Brighton, Michigan USA

📖 Grafton, Australia

📖 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

📖 Melbourne, Australia

📖 Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA

📖 Chicago, Illinois USA

📖 Pensacola, Florida USA

📖 Cape Town, South Africa

📖 El Paso, Texas USA

📖 Brisbane, Australia

📖 Nova Scotia, Canada

It has been such a fun experience. Thank you all so so so so much.

Nj Kuhr


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