Chapter Three!

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"Where did you guys park?" She said opening the passenger side door as Daniel got to the driver side door.

"Umm right next to you" Sam said getting in the passenger side of my car.

"That's your car?" Daniel asked opening his door.

"Well it is until we leave but my dad likes the best so he got me this one and I have an obsessions with fast cars." I said getting into my car. As we started driving we got a call from Dexter. I pressed the button on the steering wheel and Dexter's voice sounded through the car.

"Hey guys have you checked in the Plaza yet?" he said.

"No not yet we are driving behind the Johnsons now they are taking us there" she said leaning her head back in the seat.

"Oh well it's under York so you just go in and ask for your keys to the room and they should give them to you. It's on the top floor and across the hall from the Johnson's." he said he was about to say something else but Chris cut him off. There was a sound of struggle and you could here Dexter whinning at George. Wow you can tell they are brothers, they whine a lot.

"There is only two rooms up on the top floor on each side and they are really big" An excited Chris said.

"Okay thanks guys but we have pulled up and they are coming over to my car, so bye. Tell dad I love him" I said

"Oh and tell Kat we said hi bye love you guys" Sam said before I hung up. Daniel came over while Danielle waited at her car since she was talking on her pink glittery iphone. I popped the boot and got out of the car and walked around to the boot.

"Take the bag with your spy stuff" I whispered really quietly to Sam as we both reached in the boot to get our stuff.

"Hey you guys need any help with your bags?" Daniel asked as he appeared behind us.

"Yeah you can take this bag" Sam said giving him the bag with her clothes and stuff in it then walked off to Danielle who had finished talking on her phone. I put the duffle bag with my spy stuff on my left shoulder and put my other one on my right shoulder. I closed the boot and got my hand bag out of my car and locked it.

"Here let me take that" Daniel said taking my purple duffle bag off my shoulder since I was having trouble putting my handbag on my shoulder. I let him take the bag and we made our way over to Sam and Danielle who were waiting for us over by the elevator. Oh I forgot to mention that we were in the underground car park. We got into the elevator and rode it up to the lobby so we could get our keys. I walked over to the desk and got our keys and walked back over to the others.

"So what floor are you on?" Daniel asked me as we got back in the elevator.

"The top floor" I said

"OMG we are to" Danielle said pressing the button to the top floor. We rode up the elevator and reached the top floor. I gave Sam the keys and she grabbed Danielle and they ran down to the door to our room and opened the door while me and Daniel were still getting out of the elevator.

"Well you can see that they're going to be the best of friends" Daniel said as if reading my mind.

"Yeah she sort of has that affect on people" I said as we started walking. He had some hair in his eyes and he was about to brush it away but I beat him to. I was about to pull my hand away but he grabbed my wrist and looked at it.

"What does this say?" he asked still looking at my wrist.

"Uhh well that is my grandpa and this is my grandma." I said lifting up my other wrist to show him where I had my tattoos of dad and Chris. "Oh cool" he said as we walked in the door. I took Sam's bag off Daniels shoulder and gave it to Sam to put in her room.

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