Chapter One!

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I walked into the ball room wearing a pink dress that criss-crosses at the front and has diamond things on it, with a side split that comes half way up my thigh. I had my blonde hair out and straight with diamond earrings in and a white gold bracelet on. I had my arm linked with Scar's as we walked in one of the three entrances to the ball room. He was wearing a tuxedo and his blonde hair was the same as always just messy and sticking out everywhere. As we walked in, people stared at us and some said hello while others just stared. I looked towards the other entrance on the far end of the room where Picca walked in wearing a black dress on that had two diamonds on it with a split between them and a split up her right leg stopping at her mid-thigh and her brown hair was like mine except it had a few waves and curls that flowed over her chest as she walked with her arm linked with Mole's. He was wearing a tux as well and his hair was spiking up in different places and it looked cool. I let my eyes travel over to the right side of the room where Big Daddy walked in with sun glasses on and his hair was the same mess as always, he was wearing a tux and at his side was Kitty in a beautiful yellow dress that had no back and a side split on her left leg that stopped mid-thigh and she had a diamond in the middle of her dress where the boob part begins. "You guys ready?'" Big Daddy's voice rang through my ear piece.

"Let's do this" I said then we started weaving our way through bodies on towards an empty table. "Target located, by the west staircase" Picca said. I casually looked over to the west stair case and noticed the target, Henry Thomas. He must have felt my gaze on him because he looked straight at me and smirked. I gave my best flirtatious smile then looked away. "Twitch you know what to do." Big Daddy said.

"Okay here I go" I whispered then started to make my way over to Henry but before I moved Scar bent down and whispered in my ear.

"Be careful, you know what this guy is like." I nodded and lifted my head and kissed him on the cheek.

"I know" I whispered back then made my way over towards the table with the punch and drinks that was right near the west stairs. As I reached the table I poured myself a drink of punch and pretended to sip it while holding my necklace getting ready to record our conversation so that the other can hear it through their ear pieces.

"And what might a beautiful young lady such as yourself be doing on her own?" I heard a deep voice from beside me whisper in my ear.

"Oh just grabbing myself a drink" I said in a Spanish accent while pressing the button on the back of the diamond pendent as I turned to look at Henry who was smirking at me and looking me up and down practically undressing me with his eyes. Oh god this so disgusting. He is like 30 and I am 19, what a pedo! "Good job babe" Scar said.

"Ah! Was that a Spanish accent I heard there?" he said his smirk even bigger while I just nodded.

"And what might your name be?" he asked. That freaking smirk still on his ugly face.

"Kate Bell" I said in a seductive voice while touching the front of his shirt. 'Oh god, I can't believe I am doing this' I thought.

"That's not really a Spanish name" he said frowning a little bit. 'Shit!' I thought to myself. I suck at picking names off the top of my head.

"Yeah well my full name is Katarina. I wasn't born there but I lived there for a few years with my mum, I am just on vacation at the moment" I said. "Good cover boo" Picca said. I may suck at picking names off the top of my head but I am excellent at lying to people and making up stories.

"Ah I see, and how old are you??" he said.

"25" I answered simply and his smirk came back. After a few minutes of pretend flirting, well pretend on my end of the stick. Henry suggested that we go for a walk outside. I rubbed my eyebrow, signalling to the others that we were moving and agreed then he wrapped his arm around my waist and escorted me out of the ball room and outside into the fresh air. There were a few people around the entrance. "Where are you two heading, we are on our way" Big Daddy said. I looked around trying to find the perfect place.

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