Chapter Four: A Second Chance?

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Elizabeth's P.O.V

It was so dark, and smelly. I don't understand. Where am I? Am I finally dead? Did I get what I've been after for so long? I realize I'm laying down on something soft. I reach forward to be stopped by a ceiling. I start banging on it. I try to call for help, but my voice is hoarse. Am I in a coffin? Did I die? Why couldn't I just stay fucking dead! I use my strength and the casket breaks, but now I'm just going to killed by the dirt piling in on me.

Then, it's like the Moon Goddess blessed me with...digging? I hear someone digging, yes! " me." I quietly say as dirt fills my mouth from opening it. I feel my legs heat up and I feel air on them. Next my whole torso and upper...area. I am finally greeted my the sun's bright light and I cover my eyes and begin to cough up dirt. I feel myself being pulled out of th whole I was in. I murmur a quick thank you to the man who saved me. I only know it's a man, because the last thing I see is a handsome face and bright yellow eyes.


??? P.O.V

I'm on my annual morning run before pack business when I smell something great. Lemons and coconut. HOLY SHIT! MATE!!! My wolf keeps screaming. Is it really her? I've been searching for her for 10 years! I gave up so long ago that I don...GO TO OUR MATE YOU DUMB FUCK! I SENSE SHE IS IN DANGER!!! Damion, my wolf, said as he cut me off. I break ou tinto a full on sprint, not even concentrating on my surroundings until I reach where I smell her scent most.

I'm just in the middle of the woods on no man's land. This is usually where rouges live. Oh no, don't tell me she's a rouge. We will love her none the less. Maybe you a little more than me. I then hear banging from...below me? What the hell? Then I hear something like wood snapping and a faint plea for help. MATE! my wolf and I scream at the same time. I immediately start digging where I stood. I reach a box big enough to fit a person. Was she burred alive? I'm going to kill whoever did this to her!

I yanked off the box and started digging more since dirt poured in. I felt something and dug at it more. Legs. I started digging more and more until I finally found her face. She was beatiful. She covered her eyes and groaned. I carried her out of the ground and held her in my lap. She started coughing up dirt and i was immediately concerned. I saw her amazing pale hazel eyes before she closed them again, but not without a little thank you. I swiftly stood up and started running back to the pack house to get her to the pack doctor. Hopefully I won't be too late.

Elizabeth's P.O.V

I have never felt so tired in my life. I opened my eyes to notice I'm in a dim white room that smells like bleach. I look around only to see a figure by my side. The smell then hits me like a brick. Mate? My wolf questions, and I'm confused too. This isn't what Dylan smelt like before. Unless...did I get a second chance mate? It's a rarity since the Moon Goddess rarely messes up on mates, but it does happen.

The man stirs and I have just noticed that he is asleep with his head on the side of my bed. I slowly reach my hand out to him, as if on instinct, and touch the back of his neck. Shocks run up my arm and ignite my whole body, and it feels great. The man jerks up from his position and stares at me. "Your awake." he says sounding sleepy. "I kept the lights dim in case you ever woke up that you wouldn't be blinded by bright lights." he says.

How thoughtful. No one has ever shown this much care towards me in the longest of time. I nod in appreciation. He looks confused and I just point to my throat and then make a no hand motion, indicating that I don't talk. He smiled lazily and held my hand shooting sparks again. "I know you can talk, you asked for help and then said thank you to me." he stated. I looked down to our hands and just stared. "Do you choose not to talk?" he asks. I looked back into his piercing yellow eyes and nodded.

He nodded understandingly. "Could you at least tell em your name?" he asked. I shook no, but he just kept asking so softly and cooingly, like my mother used to to sooth me if I was hurt. I took a deep breath and said my name. Or at least tried. I got the 'E' part ou t but then went into a fit of coughing. He got my a glass of water which a greedily got down. Once my throat was quenched I spoke my naem. "Elizabeth." I said quietly. "What was that il mio amore?" I shivered at those words. I thought I sensed an accent. "Elizabeth." I said again, this time louder.

"Elizabeth, that is a beautiful name. Per abbinare il vostro bel corpo e del viso." he said quietly. "What did you say? I don't speak Italian." I stated. He gave a hearty, and might I add sexy, chuckle. "I said, to match your beautiful body and face il mio amore." I blushed and looked down remembering that our hands were clasped together. "What does that mean?" I asked. "What? Il mio amore?" He asked. I nodded. "It means my love." he stated with a smirk.

"I have been looking for you for 10 years la mia sposa per essera." he stated and kissed my hand. "What does that one mean?" i asked. "That one you will learn later." he stated cockily. "How old are you?" i ask. he looks up and into my eyes. "I am 28." he stated with a straight face. "that's a ten year difference, that's a big leap." I stated. "You don't look 18 to me. What year do you think it is?" Is this guy crazy? "It is 2009, duh." He looked shocked for a second and then left me in the hospital room very quick. Now I feel cold and lonely without him here.

My mate comes back in with a women by her arm and it makes me have a pang of jealousy. "Lei pensa che è il 2009 ed è il 2014, non sapevo cosa fare così sono venuto e hai ." he spoke in Italian. (translation: She thinks it is 2009 and it is 2014, I didn't know what to do so I came and got you.) The women had cherry red hair, pale skin, and the same yellow eyes as my mate. She walked over to where I was and sat down beside the bed.

"Hun, where were you when Xavier found you, and also what's the last thing you remember?" She asked. So that's his name? It's sexy. I didn't speak at first, but I looked up to Xavier and he nodded as if saying I should speak. "I was in a box, then I saw Xavier, and then everything went black. And the only thing I remember from before that was yelling at my mate that rejected me, then blacking out" I stated.

She looked shocked and then at Xavier and I followed. He was steaming. "WHO WOULD EVER THINK OF REJECTING YOU? YOU'RE PERFECT!" He yelled. I blushed none the less, even though once he knows of my past, he probably won't think of me as so perfect anymore. "Can I see your hand please." The woman asked. I felt so comfortable and protected around these people. I gave her my hand and she did a little swoop around it then grasped it firmly. A white light was all I saw and then it was over.

The look on her face was pure shock. "You've been dead for five years Elizabeth. But by the looks of it, the Moon Goddess brought you back for a second chance mate and a second chance for something else." The women stated. "So I'm Actually 23?" I asked and I looked to Xavier who was on my other side holding my hand. "Yes darling." she responded. "What was my other second chance for?" I asked the question I was anxious to hear. "Something big..something so powerful that you need to be prepared for." She stated with a solemn expression. "What is it?" I asked. She looked up and right into my eyes and responded with something that made me go rigid. All she said was...



I lied...I was actually going to get rid of this story, but I don't know what pulled me back. I'm sorry I lied from when I said at the end of last chapter when I said I'd update soon. For this story I will try to update every two weeks. Also if you are a one direction fan, you should read my other story called "Not That Kind of Concert" adn I hope you'd like it. leave a like, vote, and or comment to tell me about this story. See you guys later and fair winds!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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