Chapter Two: Come Back

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Lucas's P.O.V

The next day

I've been waiting here for hours! No one is letting me see Elizabeth, and no one is telling me what's going on!!! That's it! I've had enough, I can take the pain in my heart no longer. I still can't believe it, no one ever knew what she was going through, everyone including me treated her like shit! And now I've killed her, my one and only mate, and I pushed her over the edge to do the unthinkable.

I was just about to walk up to the front desk when her father walked up to me. "You son of a bitch! You killed my daughter!!! How could you, you are a horrible alpha!!!" he yelled at me. "WHAT ABOUT YOU!!! You abused her, she got bullied and you were the only one she could lean on but you blocked her out, you are the horrible one here!" I said in my alpha tone. Everyone turned and looked at us, and I could feel it vibrating off of him that he was embarrassed and angry. "Well I'm a fucked up person! You are the one that was supposed to fix her broken self." he said calmer but still angry. 'This bitch just doesn't know when to quit, AND he's trying to blame us!!!' My wolf yelled. "Well maybe you shouldn't have broken it in the first place." I whispered angrily. Charlie then stomped out of the hospital, good I hope he doesn't come back, my wolf and I agreed.

I finally was able to go up to the desk to find out about Elizabeth. "Excuse me, but I would like to see Elizabeth Hayes please." I asked as kindly as I could and finished with a fake smile, I just can't make a real one with the pain. The receptionist then smiled back and typed on her computer, then her face turned upset. "I'm sorry Alpha Lucas, but she is still getting surgery done, then after you can see her." She said. I saw in her name tag it said Linda. "Thanks Linda" I sighed. I sat back down in the waiting area when a smell I am all to familiar with arrived. Britney Small! We dated in Junior year. "Hey baby, what are you doing here?" she purred while walking over to me. I used to find her hot, but now all I can think of is that she's a slut. She then sat on my lap, MY LAP!!! I quickly pushed her off of me and she stumbled back in her 5 inch heels. "Oh come on sugar, come back with me, you know I can make you feel good." She cooed. I was getting angry now. "Get away from me, I only like one girl now, not you anymore." I spat. "Who?!? That little nerd girl that you rejected yesterday morning?" she spat with venom. "Yes as a matter of fact, and she tried to commit suicide because of bitches like you so I am here for her now!!!" I yelled. "Well she's dead, no one even cared about her, come with me, I want you, need you." she whispered, trying to be sexy. I looked at her in disgust. I know why she is doing this, she just wants to be luna, this is the reason that we broke up Junior year actually! "No! Get out of my face now!" I yelled in alpha tone so she would have to obey. She looked angry and then stomped off, clicking her heels away, which I find highly annoying now. I was just about to go up to the front desk when the most amazing smell hit me, and it feels as if my heart was just put back together. She's back.

Elizabeth's P.O.V

I woke up to a bright light, thank god, heaven. This is what I've been waiting for. Then I heard an annoying beeping. Voices too, now this is weird. My eyes adjusted and I saw I was in a room. I had IVs in my arms and a blood needle in one as well. Did someone actually save me? Who on earth cared enough? I shot up and instantly got a headache, "NOOO!!! I WANTED TO DIE!!!" I yelled, or tried, my throat was so dry it was barley a whisper. In almost a second doctors surrounded me, asking me questions, like who am I, or where am I, or do I know what happened. I didn't say anything, then the door burst open, and the last person I thought would be here, was here.

DUUH DUUH DUUUUUUH!!! Hey guys!!! Sorry this chapter is short, but I have a big one for you guys next, also I will be putting a cast list in a little bit. I hope you guys liked this chapter and don't hate cause of the cliffhanger, you may think you know who it is, but you never know. LOVE YA!!!

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