Ty really can't cook part 4 (the last part i promise)

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-Ty's POV-

"Want to watch something that will really scare you?" I asked.

"What is it, like, the Walking Dead?" Jason asked.

i grinned. "Nope. But you'll find out." Jerome looked worried as I scrolled through the channels. "Let us be scared!" i shouted and selected the last half of Dance Moms.


The guys were still in mock horror. Nicki waved hands in front of my face, and said, "Never again." i nodded, agreeing. I looked at the time.

"hey guys," I said. They snapped out of their mock horror trance, and faced me. "Get your camera's ready. It's almost time."  They scrambled around, getting equipment ready. Soon, the ingredients were on the counter, and the camera's are rolling. I looked at the meal and sighed. Spaghetti. Of course, she would pick the only meal that i couldn't cook. ok one of the meals i couldn't cook.

"Hey doods, it's Mitch or the BajanCanadian here, and we are back with Ty and his sister!"

Jerome took over next. "Yup! And today they will be cooking for us!" he bacca slurps, and I laugh.

"We get spaghetti for dinner! It's free!" Jason shouts.

"You might wish you would have gone and payed for a meal." Nicki says, flashing a grin at me.

"Hey!" i protest. "You picked the meal!"

"I'm gonna keep the time." Mitch volunteered.

"Mitch time?" (you can guess who says this)

"Yea buddy. Ok, you get 15 minutes to cook this, serve it, and make it look nice."

"Pretty." Jason said.

"No, beautiful. Gets you extra bonus points." Jerome adds.

"Time starts... now."

I scrambled around the counter, throwing ingredients in and turning the oven on high. Water boiled inside, and I hoped i did it right.

-Jerome POV-

I sat at their table, talking with Mitch and Jason.

"So... How's Canada?" I ask. It wasn't the best question, but his expression brightened.

"Going fine. Got to talk to my sister." He said.

"Which one?"

"Marley." (i looked it up it's his step-sister)


There was an awkward silence, and then the smell of burning food filled our noses.

"Ty!" we yelled, all of us screaming at once.

"You're burning the sauce Tyler!" Nicole screamed, and we laughed. Soon the awkward silence came back.

"Let's play truth or dare after this." Jason suggested.

"Sure!" I replied, grinning, No matter where you go, that's always the most popular game around. Soon, the timer went off. "That was fast," i mumbled, then Ty and Nicki brought out the stuff.

Nicki's was simple; with the spaghetti twirled into a circle, and a little spire in the middle. The sauce laced the outside of the dish, and some spices topped off it. it looked edible, at least.

I took a tentative bite, then grinned. It was pretty darn good, just maybe a little salty, butohterwise delicious. "9!" i yelled, smiling. The guys wrote down her scores, and Ty came in with his food.

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