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He told me that we will leave in a couple days, and in the mean time, Olivia and Adam would settle in enough to set up some stuff for recording. I had to go bed early that night, and Ty said something about not wanting me there, so I hopped in bed. Only after I heard him snoring, I hopped up. Time to generate a new world.


I stayed up until around 4 in the morning playing minecraft, but it was worth my tiredness. I already had 6 diamonds!!! I thudded downstairs, rubbing my bloodshot eyes. Ty seemed to have gotten some sleep though. He was whistling and skipping around the house. And then I saw the empty sugar bag.

"TY!!!!!!!!!!!" I hollered.

He came out of the other room, and muttered stuff about butterflies in minecraft and creepers outside of our door.

"Ok..." I squirmed with uncomfort. "I'm just going to go to school." I ran out of that door, and to the bus. Great. I had just missed it, so I started the 4 mile journey of walking.


School had dragged on, and I thought I would be glad when I got home. Instead, I was appalled. Candy wrappers were littered everywhere, and Ty was LITERALLY trying to jump off the walls.

"Errm..." I paused, and hoped he would be too busy planting footprints on the wall to notice me. I grabbed the only Crunch bar left, and whispered, "Hey, Tyyyyyyyyyyyy!"

Immediatly, his head whipped around, and he stood still. I walked slowly closer, and his eyes followed it. I raised my hand, and slapped him right across the face. The daze was out of his eyes, and a big red handprint was right across his cheek.

"Ow!" he mumbled, "Thanks. I needed that." He looked around, and his jaw dropped. There were wrappers eveywhere, footprints on the wall, and there was every sign that a living tornado had gone through here. "What..." he began.

"Don't look at me!" I laughed. "I was at school all day!" The handprint was dominant, and for a moment I thought I saw a tiny, sparkling tear, but it soaked back into his eye real fast. I instantly felt horrible, and in a tiny voice, I managed to squeak out, "I didn't hit you too hard, did I?"

He grinned, and said "Naw. That's nothing." Herubbed the side of his face, and then we started to clean up. When we finished, I felt the urgency to go into my room.

"Umm... I'm going to just to do my homework, ok?" I lied through my teeth. Seemed legit.

"You have homework on the second day of school? Already?" he was absolutely bamboozled.

"Uh... yeah..." I then raced upstairs, and as soon as I opened my door, I forgot. Shit.

I sat on my bed, unsure of what to do, and then he walked in.

"You know your a horrible liar, right?"

"Yeah, I just forgot what I was going to do."


"Just make sure you have your stuff all ready to go to the hotel tomorrow."


I already had everything ready, so I went onto minecraft, and started building a new house. Waiting for something to happen, that's my eternal torture. So, of course, i had to occupy myself. I have no patience =3

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